
Minimum Wage Must be Tied to Cost-of-Living; Anything Less is a Subsidy for Entitled Employers


No sick pay for covid or mental breakdowns…. Oh but you can work extra hours instead?

I work in the UK for a small company. Throwaway account cus frankly I do still want it to work out there. Anyways there is the Owner-Manager-me and two other supervisors and 4 or 5 part timers. It’s very laid back, very easy going. Which is great, most of the time. But it does mean that sometimes it’s a bit of a joke. I got covid twice in 3 months recently. Both times I received Statutory Sick Pay. It’s a government scheme that everyone gets in the UK. We don’t have a sick pay policy in our contracts. SSP is about 90 quid a week. For context my rent alone is 150 a week, and I normally earn about 350 a week. So yeah, it’s barely enough to survive. I emailed the owner about this on both occasions but he didn’t budge at all. He did give me my accrued…


Inspired by a previous post here


Add more labor, but don’t raise wages, that always works out right?

The company I work for has very clearly began making new decisions high up on the chain that are now trickling down among the workers. It all started a few months ago when they fired the janitorial service that would visit the workplace once a week to take out the trash, sweep/mop everywhere, just basic stuff, but it still was a huge help. Now they suppose the workers should be capable enough to do that on top of our other work, without being paid anything extra of course. Ok, fine, but if something comes up and we can't sweep or mop the entire plant, that still falls on us and we get a stern email about being more tidy. Then, a month or so later, the company decides to turn off all remote access inside the workplace so that everything we do has to be adjusted manually, just in case…


No AC in New Hebron, MS Dollar General


To prove the rich are the rulers…

…look no further than the UK, where we will not be working for the rest of this week thanks to a bank holiday to ‘celebrate’ the Queen’s Jubilee. All major companies have accepted losing 2 days of business to offer bread and circuses and protect their power by placating the public with some free time, while almost forcing everyone to celebrate and thus further consolidate support for a human woman given the right to power just because of who she was born to. The definition of plutocracy under the guise of meritocracy. If it didn’t help their bottom line, no company would be behind this, but the rich are the rulers.


Figured you guys might have an opinion on this


I finally did it.

I finally quit my job on May 21st. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was the assistant manager. The morning I quit, I was twenty minutes late and I had been up for like… 22 or so hours crying and thinking and debating with myself by the time I actually went to sleep. I didn’t want to quit. I really didn’t. I just couldn’t handle being left to work insane hours alone and not being able to get anything done in the store. Leading up to my quitting, I’d had two days off in three and a half weeks, and I’d worked a couple of eleven to twelve hour shifts. My manager was aware of health complications I have as well. I left him this text message when I quit. “I’m sorry, I will not be returning to [Company Name]. My health is deteriorating rapidly and I don’t have medical…


June 1: Capitalism can be defeated. We will prevail.


Let them not be forgotten.