
Usaa just hired 3k work from home employees just to pull back to “hybrid”

My girlfriend works as an insurance adjuster for Usaa, 20,000 work from home employees currently & they are now pulling back to a hybrid 3 days in the office (floating so you can’t schedule around it). 60% of her new go works just put in there resignation. Absolutely disgusting.


Humble Justice

Got laid off a while back. Ended up in a conflict with employer as they lied regarding getting fired with cause. I disagreed with every reason. This week the adjudicator agreed with the truth and my narrative that I was not fired with cause. While some may say don't burn bridges, I care more about the little guy. Hopefully they will think twice pulling this on someone else. This was not fun and completely unfortunate, but coming to account with the truth is vital for individuals and companies alike. While this may hurt my future chances, being honest is a much sweeter reward.


I’m quitting my job today. If you guys give me a good resignation letter, i’ll literally copy and paste it


Email your unions about leading a general strike.

I’ve seen a ton of posts on this sub and across Reddit and other social media sites discussing holding a general strike or a woman’s strike. A lot of people point out that decentralized strikes aren’t as effective as Americans don’t have work protection and generally organize people online is difficult. I’m suggesting that those of us lucky enough to have union representation put pressure on our union leaders to organize a strike. Email your local chapter, email your national chapter, attend meetings. I’m not naïve enough to think this will solve anything, but I’m sick of screaming into the void. I want to take action. Maybe if we work together we can gain some traction and achieve a strike.


Stillness and simplicity isn’t unproductive

Gainful employment includes thousands of people in the industries of serving and delivering poisons in bars. Building strip malls in redundancy for inevitable obsolescence and decay. Manufacturing, vending, and distributing unnecessary consumer products just to satisfy desire, the businesses of extracting resources from the Earth in order to perpetuate it, and the numerous advertising and marketing agencies that exist in order to stimulate interest. I went to Goodwill recently for pots and pans. The person in front of me was buying old porcelain clowns and hideous trinkets. We have hundreds of different cereals, brands of shoes, innumerable channels of entertainment; variations that have minimal impact on our livelihood and happiness apart from affording something to momentarily attach our otherwise restless awareness onto. And the narrative is construed such that not participating renders one into someone who is 'lazy' or not pulling their weight. Yet the weight is mostly superfluous. During…


I shouldn’t have to help my coworkers with their cases if I’ve finished with mine for the day

I’m a really great case worker and I’m very on top of the patients I handle. I’m finished with work almost every day by 2-3pm but I have to stay clocked in until about 6pm. My boss says to just go on the open calls and help others with their tasks and phone calls for THEIR cases that they’re “falling behind” on. We all have the same work load, if anything I have more since I have seniority. I don’t think I should be rewarded for doing my job well, but I don’t think I should pick up slack for my coworkers either, I definitely do not get paid more than they do.


Vancouver radio station fired their team this morning…


23 million Californians to get up to $1,050 in “inflation relief” checks


we can shut down crisis pregnancy centers like we shut down Kellogs attempt at hiring scabs. seeking IT logistical help for hiding/ blocking phone number and personal info, and seeking others willing to do the same in masse.

crisis pregnancy centers are religious organizations that present themselves as women's health clinics that provide abortion care. once a pregnant person is in their facility, they are manipulated and coerced into keeping the pregnancy by any means necessary. to the extent that the center (again, masked as a medical provider of abortion care) will schedule someone for an abortion, then repeatedly push back the appointment until she can no longer legally get one (this was before RvW fell, their job will be much easier now). read an account not long ago from a teenage girl who had this done to her, she had complications and nearly died before giving her forced baby up for adoption. seeking IT advice and collective action help gumming the fuck out of their operations on a mass scale. some allow online bookings, these should be easier to fake. specifically I am hoping for instruction…


Why can’t we have nice things.

I am on the Facebook group which basically serves as a casual work board. It's for lorry drivers in Britain. Some guy comes and says he is searching for work paying at least 28 per hour. Running rates currently where we are are at 18 per hour, but you can get some gigs for more (I was paid 26 per hour for a few gigs). What people do? Do they support him? Do they think “well, perhaps we should all demand more?” No, they had mocked and ridiculed him so hard, that he had to turn off comments. Then they copied his ad to the new thread and continue doing so. And this is why they won't be ever paid more. And the rest of us along with them 🙁