
we’re officially at 235 unionized Starbucks stores in the USA.


KCF Australia now hiring infants at the till.


This Question is for Gas station / small grocery store employees.

People who work on mom and pops grocery stores or gas stations. Did you ever received any paid vacation? Did you ever received any bonuses? Did you get paid more than minimum wage? I’m asking this question because I worked at a gas station from 2008-2013. And owner was an asshole. He paid me $7/hour when minimum wage was $8 in California because I wasn’t authorized to work. From 2008-2010. So he took full advantage of me for a year and after that he paid me minimum pay. Whenever I think about it it hurts me. From 2010-2013 I didn’t even get any paid lunch break of 15 mins breaks or any paid sick time. 401k or any benefits. And I worked like Manager to run that place.


I have to go to treatment can they fire me

I am doing an IOP for an eating disorder they want me to do higher level of care so I wouldn’t be able to work. Can they fire me I have no idea how long this is going to take I’m worried they will find a way to get rid of me while I’m in treatment.


Shantanu Deshpande: Bombay Shaving Co CEO criticised for 18-hour workday advice – BBC News


Blackballed or Finessed?

So I live in Texas, I’ve been working this company for 4 Years same job title, 3% pay increases (company wide), the obvious added way more responsibilities, ive lead jobs and taken over jobs because they threw them my way(forcefully), I’ve asked for a raise 1x after they fired my old manager who was about to give it too me and my new manager said he just started so he can’t justify me getting a raise yet and never reached out to me about it after that. I have no write ups or bad performance reports on paper, I don’t have a new gig lined up just yet. I’m salary and I always work over 45 hours, and they now have a lawyer in office 4 days a week. Very disrespectful people @ this place I might add. What can you guys suggest I do?


Help Geico Unionize

Geico employees are organizing a union in Buffalo. Please help donate to their cause if you have anything to spare. It will help them get the word out and push for better working conditions.


Decided to say f it

A small business in nc I was hired at was bought out by a big corporation out in Cali. I am normally very positive and happy. My love language is gift giving and try to help ppl out. A manager there was rumored to be sleeping with the last owner. Got 16 ppl fired. She’s verbally abusive. She reminds subordinates that she is a manager and can do what she likes. Even makes her employees drive two hours (round trip) off the clock to escort her to work, that’s if she comes at all. Some of us can work remotely. I been there for four months, and I try to stay friendly and positive. I have a horrible temper. I go 0- death row, there’s no in between. My biological father actually murdered someone. So I became a passive person bc I was afraid of becoming him, unless someone I…


I start my MSW internship next week and they haven’t given me my schedule

I did all of the onboarding a month ago and emailed them multiple times about receiving my schedule for next week and they have not given it to me. I reached out to my field work advisor and she said they might just be busy??? Like f me I guess… I can’t plan anything for next week because I have no idea when I’ll be doing my 15 hours. I’m just frustrated at my school for making us do u paid labor and supporting these crap places. I want to rebel and tell them I’ll have to start a week later or something due to the lack of notice.


my mom is getting bullied by coworkers, what can we do?

my mom (64y/o) works as a sales associate for a jewelry store. the HR for this company is a nightmare (preaching to the choir). they operate by a card system to determine whose turn it is to engage with customers. they earn commission from their sales and are reprimanded, or worse, fired for low sales numbers. my mom was moved to a tiny retail location, which essentially caused the location to be over-staffed, causing resentment from the existing sales associates because their sales numbers dropped due to another person joining. among other things causing a hostile environment, my mom tells me that her coworkers have been taking her card out of the system so that she loses out on sales opportunities. when my mom confronts them, they act like they don't know what she's talking about, and then they go on to accuse my mom for being aggressive. yesterday her…