
Australian newspaper cartoon gets it


I walked out of my job today

Am I in the wrong for this? So today I was about an hour late because I overslept (I was exhausted from an 11.5-hour shift the day before). I was planning to go to the beach with my family today since my scheduled shift was over at 11:00, but my boss said I need to stay an hour and a half later because I was late which I find somewhat understandable, so I called my dad and asked him if they could wait for me and he said he would. So an hour and a half later I ask my boss if I can leave and he said no, I need to wait until we're caught up (usually takes over an hour) it was like 12:50 at this point, I had just finished changing tires on a car and I was about to ask my boss what to do next…


GOP senator Ron Johnson says he wants to ‘coax’ seniors out of retirement so they can ‘earn a few extra bucks’ and ease the labor shortage


is there a way to say no to managers without consequences?

Currently I work in a grocery store chain deli, and they treat the night shift like work bitch of the store. To where morning shift does NOTHING to help the night shift, yet we are expected to have everything ready for morning shift so all they have to do is walk in and stand around essentially. When the reality is we do the same things that morning shift does, and more given we have to close the department down. Currently out managers have made an unreal list of things they want us to do, along with tacking on more bullshit. To where essentially we would have to stay here until midnight to 2 A.M doing it all. When our schedules end around 9-10 P.M., along with simply having real life responsibilities outside of work that just makes it's a impossible list to do. Given we need 4 people to pull…


Heating and food? Now that’s living the dream


Just quit from a ToGo Pro gig from a certain restaurant

Imma keep this brief, and just state the many reasons why I quit on the spot, no 2 weeks notice required. 1, management, I’d say 3 of the 4 managers i’m okay with. It’s the one kitchen manager, who I’m always stuck working with, that’s a pain in the ass. We always have 1 ToGo Spec working at nights, and it can get very hectic taking DoorDash and GrubHub orders, at the same time taking call-in orders. This specific manager not only is zero help when ToGo gets slammed, but has the audacity to ask me to do things that SERVERS are supposed to be doing. I don’t mind helping out and being a “team player”, but if it ain’t in my job description, I’m not doing it. 2, work scheduling. This was my primary job, and my manager had the nerve to only schedule me 24 hrs of the…


over the last 2 weeks ive applied for 40 different jobs using indeed, and I’ve only gotten 3 interviews but I was not selected for those jobs. Advice?


Had a similar thing happen to me back in the day. Creepers from work stalking and harassing you


My work sent the police to a co-workers house for not answering an on-call

That is all. Fucking wackiest shit I've ever heard and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't hear it first hand. Claims it was a “wellness check”.


“You don’t need to clock in until 8:30”

Last Saturday, I was scheduled for a typical 8:30 to 5 shift, but I was told by my manager to come in at 6 AM to do some extra training on inventory stuff. So I arrive at 6 AM and I’m greeted by the manager who brings me to where we are going to begin. As we are walking by the punch in clock, he says “You don’t need to punch in until 8:30” Me being young and Naive, I didn’t say anything. I finished training then punched in at 8:30. I assumed that I’d be getting paid for the extra 2 and a half hours and that it’s easier for them to put it in the system manually. Yesterday when I got my paycheck, I noticed my pay was the exact same as every other week (I always work the same hours) Should I say anything?