Month: September 2022
It’s just a goat.
My company just established a new procedure requiring sales people to get real labor quotes before closing a sale (they were “guessing” prior to this, a real mess). Once the customer approves, the projects get to my team (project management/operations), and we handle it from there. Yesterday, 2pm I got an email from a sales woman saying essentially “are you going to manage this random-not-a-project-yet?? I need you to reach out and get me labor quotes for this product, bla bla, in Florida, asap, thanks”. I am usually not quick to rage but man, my blood instantly boiled… I may be the youngest and newest PM, but I don't work for you. The new rule is supposed to make you responsible for the crap you sell, and it is meant to reduce our (ops) workload. The thing is, she is very senior in the company so I was conflicted on…
I got fired today.
The reason is, I am quoting: “We couldn’t eliminate cultural differences” Edit: I am an immigrant and my nationality is different from the majority of the employees. Tbh I haven’t seen anybody of the same nationality as me among employees. Edit2: the company is European and I am not European. Every single employee that I’ve meet was of the same origin. Different from mine, obviously.
Hi friends. I’ve posted before, regarding my employer speaking to a potential employer behind my back and thus ruined my opportunity to move on from this company. Things have gotten worse. I know the obvious “if you’re not happy, find another job” response, but I’m working on that. I use my free time to apply to jobs. It’s been about a month of applications and I have yet to get an interview. (I know these things take time) I dread waking up and going to sleep because of how much of a burden this toxic environment is, and yet, I can’t just quit – I have to wait until I have something else. I hate that all I want at this point is to be fired so I can file for unemployment. How did you get through it? How did you stay positive when you hated your job, was mistreated,…