Month: October 2022
Anything to avoid giving raises
Bail denied for woman accused of dismembering landlord (
They really thought I couldn’t guess it
So this is a light hearted story and no i haven't quit. i asked at my work for the WiFi password on the third day of my work and they said “The amount of work you are doing right now is just 25% of what you are supposed to do. When you will be doing all your work and understand our policies, you will have already guessed it.” I understood what is happening to me so i got in the task right away and tried some methods but nothing worked. UNTIL TODAY, i got the idea of trying the ip address of of the Modem router and checking there. I tried to access and boom they asked for another username and password and well it was “admin” and “admin” so i got in and there it was : the wonderful WiFi Password. Although I wanted to connect in front of…
I’ve been mentally preparing to move out in hopes of buying my late grandparents house once things settle with the family, it isn’t a large house and I grew up in it so it would be ideal for me. However, I just found out that electric is now tripling in cost in that area. Making my budget that was already stretched to the edge, likely over the edge meaning I likely can’t afford it any longer. I just see all the rising costs of everything and it makes me feel so much dread. My wife and I both have good jobs and even then idk how we can afford to live there with all our current bills plus the extras of owning a house. BTW we have lives with her family our entire marriage because we can’t afford to move out. I’m 30, and need my living own space. My…
New Job as a Manager, Help
Somewhat soon I will be managing a new cafe in town and I want to do it the right way. I am in my 20’s and this will be my first managerial position, I’ve had quite a few terrible jobs with awful management, and I want to do better. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to run things right and take care of the people I employ?
Actual Adobe Ad
12 hour shift for only $108
Getting tired of wasting my whole fucking day for $100. I work 40 hours a week for $300 after taxes. Parents died just when i turned 20 a few months ago, i cant do this shit