
I’m an engineering student currently. I plan to start a company and I need your insight.

I'm 20 years old currently. My birthday is on the 11th of February which is a month of genius people haha! I study engineering for ships or marine vehicles which involves hydrodynamics etc. I'm pretty intuitive at it. In a few years I plan to build a company called Great Link. If you have better name ideas let me know. This company will design very advanced sophisticated cargo ships and allow different societies be able to send cargo across the oceans. I do not plan to use oil or fossil fuels for the engines but rather hydrogen. Don't worry, I love the environment. How do I make sure you guys don't see my company as negative? I don't want to end up as a hated billionaire.


30 years ago my company’s top out was 5 years. Now it’s 11 years to reach $34/hr

And you don’t get a raise the first three years….


Excuse series #1


Working at UPS

Is UPS a good place to work at? Is the pay worth it?


An unsolicited, totally legit job offer? Well hot damn, sign me up!


waited a month after quitting to find a job – co-ops are nice

sooo i quit my well-paying 911 job last december they had removed all part-time positions because of lack of staff gave them a chance, told them i couldn't do full time as i was recovering from depression and was afraid to relapse but they “couldn't change schedules because we are unionized” which is bs since they unilaterally changed the schedules to begin with anyways… found this co-op where i work for less pay and less interesting advantages but total control over my schedule as it's based on the availability given by the worker and can be changed i think the best example of the advantages of working for a co-op i've come accross is my when dispatcher (we de cleaning and housechores for disabled and aging people mostly btw) told me, after i asked her if i could do an extra hour for this household, “but A, this will put…


Never go above and beyond

I’ve been at my job for over 2 years now, and in that time, I’ve only received one pay increase, and it was for a promotion. Nearly a year had gone by and this raise was still not on my checks. Finally, I am fed up, and demand back pay for lost wages. They tell me, “things are crazy, not sure how that happened but you should of said something” (I’ve been telling them for months, I love how it’s my fault) well, my bosses solution to my underpaid checks? No back pay, but an additional .25 for my troubles, and over time, this will accrue to more than backpay… uhhh, are you fucking kidding me? Making me work for the money you OWE me???! Oh, it gets worse. Fast forward to now, i took 4 days off for the birth of my daughter. I was unable to request the…


Can I get a ra-men


My back is killing me

I work in a warehouse and we've been working almost 60 hours a week. I really want to take at least 1 week off just to rest my back. If I keep picking boxes I will get a strain at any second but I'm worried that if I just said that I need days off they will be without paid and I can't afford that. I've been thinking ahout just saying that I got hurt right now so they don't come with the bullshit that I got injured at home and won't take my claim. I don't know what to do at this point


October 16: We choose to act rather than react.