
boss keeps us for 8 hour shifts with no breaks

we either get breaks at the end of our shift or none at all. i work in a trampoline adventure park so i have to do a lot of work (harnessing children to zip line and a LOT more stuff). i’m in texas by the way.


Seen on LinkedIn: on the topic of promoting DEI policies in companies


Told them to pay me what I was worth, got crickets in return.

Got a message from someone on LinkedIn, saying that they loved my years of experience and expertise in different areas and were looking for a Content Manager and asked for an interview. I often get these messages and ignore them, but this company seemed like a good fit. So I messaged them back and told them, “Sure, as long as the culture is the right fit and you can pay me above my current compensation.” Never heard from them again. Yep, I have years of experience. If you want my experience, pay me.


Kdin’s Twitlonger about her experience at RT and reasons for leaving.

My final words on Rooster Teeth & just SOME of my experiences there.Read:— Kdin Jenzen (@KdinJenzen) October 15, 2022


Why CDSA Should Throwdown with Starbucks and UPS


My life is harder than yours. Give me an award


productivity = pissing yourself


If you could exploit the rich for profit, would you do it?

if the answer is yes then just short Facebook (Meta). and anything else collapsing in the market right now lol.


hellena taylor on why she didnt voice bayonetta in the third games (undervaluing her talent, worth and labor) and her statement on wealth disparities and unfairness // are there any subreddits to talk about how much the general reddit population are corporate centrist shills

Friends, Worldlings, Bayonutters. Hear ye!#PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan— Hellena Taylor (@hellenataylor) October 15, 2022


Reported anonymously to OSHA because of my work, but now i feel guilty

As the title says, I reported to OSHA for serious health and safety violations involving several things that are hazardous and unprofessional. Longer version: I work for a famous furniture company(which shall remain nameless on account of being completely safe in terms of facing retaliation) based in the US, and have just passed my 90 days, which is why I feel guilty for submitting a complaint but I’ll get to that in a minute. The job has been really good to me and is even full time and not commission based(though I do make commission, I am guaranteed an hourly rate regardless if goals are met or not) for $16/hr. I’m a sales associate, and due to the lack of “funding” there isn’t a full crew of warehouse people so most of the time, the assembly of displays falls to us. This was red flag #1 after I was hired,…