
An interesting take on the new flush of unions this years


Do employers really not realize that two weeks notice is a courtesy?


Medical clinic pays front desk more than medical staff


Words from a middle-aged guy, me, to a younger generation, but wrapped up concisely in a youtube video from another dude, with a sitar in the background


I’m secretly working 3 remote, full time, “white collar” jobs

In 2019, I started working my first out of college job at a fortune 100 company (entry level finance) making $80k. I’m still with that company today and my role converted to full time remote with the exception of needing to go into the office a few days per year. Somehow I’ve managed to successfully convince my manager that my workload takes much longer to complete than it actually does. He never questioned me. I guess because my paycheck comes from the company’s pocket and not his he doesn’t really give a shit. I found myself with too much time on my hands so decided to apply for a second job in 2021 to see if I could pull it off. And to my surprise it was actually way easier than I anticipated. The second job offered full 100% remote work at $90k. It’s also a large company (I don’t…



I thought that I was on the road to not doing too much work and being able to live comfortably. A few months ago my mom and I finally opened our self serve pet wash. My dad invested so much money in to it I’m almost embarrassed to say how much it was exactly. We had a few months of free rent but were faced with contractors that took all that time up and when we did get our rent we’re looking at $3100 a month and now I just saw a bill for franchise tax at $1100. So basically I thought we would be able to just sit back and let the money roll in after having spent the whole summer setting the place up but now later today im starting my second job to help bring money in Not how I was hoping for any of this to…


I took a lesser job because my last sucked and now I am at a crossroads.

Previously I worked in fraud at a bank, I was paid pretty well. I took the job while at another job who was paying considerably less. So I thought this would be a step up. It was somehow worse. The lied about the job description, thru didn't have a manager for me, they would email and call me all the time. It was frustrating. So I left. Didn't have a job for months. Ended up working in security getting paid the lowest I have in years. However, I am far less stressed. I feel more free. I am happy. I am getting my life together. It's nice. But the pay is not great. I get paid whether I work or not, which is nice. But cost of living sucks. Recently I was offered 2 jobs, back in the pay range of the one I left, both for a bank(not the…


Is it typical for factory jobs to protect pedophiles and wife beaters?

I have worked at a medical parts factory for almost 6 months now, not going to name the company for obvious reasons. They have told me that I could be threatened with dispel in art action just because I discovered that two people are pedophiles on my shift due to someone clueing me in and them looking it up in the official county records. This factory job has some be respectful policy and they told me that simply looking up someone’s records could result in disciplinary action. One of these dudes keeps a women in a factory room all by herself and is quite flirty giving her compliments left and right. Quite frankly I am wondering if it is typical practice in factories to protect pedophiles even when they are clearly in positions of leaderships? Another thing I have another coworker who admits to beating up his wife and he…


No breaks, thanks?

Yesterday, while filling out paperwork and asking questions at my newly acquired second job I was told we don't get breaks. At all. In my state it's legal not to give breaks. How? Idk, I was still excited because More! Money! But I was told I could pull a 10 hour shift and not get a break. So, not only am I going to eventually be alone all night in a gas station but I'm not allowed even a 10 minute break. Which with how anxious I am, would be spent behind the register anyway but I'd be sitting.


Cracker Barrel Street Fight: A Bloody Braw Between a Mean Manager and a co worker

I work in a upstate new york cracker barrel near a major interstate thruway with lots of hotels and attractions near by, this cracker barrel was fine when I first started there but now I'm actually seeing that this cracker barrel location is pretty toxic as people walk out of it regularly as fast as they come in. Over my two months working at this cracker barrel location I have seen countless co workers walk out especially in the kitchen and dish room areas at times the waiting staff/servers can be very mean and verbally abusive to the dishwashers and surprisingly the kitchen staff as well. At times when it gets packed AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS LOCATION ALWAYS HAS COUSTMERS because it rarely ever dies down usually we have lines running literally through the gift shop and out the door I'm talking where you can't even shop in…