
Job moves you to the next shift if you take a Monday or Friday off, what can I do about this?

I would like some advice, I recently noticed a pattern where I took a Friday off and got moved to the next shift, I used to work from 2-10:30pm and now I work from 10-6:30am, my job has done this to me three times now, the first time I had an injury and could not work for a whole week, the 2nd and 3rd time I had to call out of work for personal reasons, I asked my uncle who got me the job and he has told me that if people take a Monday or Friday off they get sent to the next shift to inconvenience the person for the foreseeable future all because you inconvenienced them for one day, I do not want to quit and I just want to be able to take a Friday off without fearing loosing my hours, what can I do to solve…


I tested positive for covid need advice

I tested positive for covid with an at home testing kit and my employer is telling me they are going to fire me if i don’t go get one from the hospital and an actual doctor. can they do that?


I fired an employer, and it was the best decision I could have made.

Attempt number 2, attempt number 1 didn't save. I worked for a soda company for 3 years, and had 3 different supervisors. There are more people in play, and this will be long. ​ First manager, Jack, is younger and did the job quite well. He was out in the field, and that phone was almost glued to his face. He was my supervisor for the 6 months, and we talked almost once a working day. If he didn't answer, he would text or call, or I knew what the answer was if he hit the end call button. He held the only evaluation I had my entire time there, and my 2nd was scheduled, didn't take place due to the promotion. Jack quickly saw my potential, and sent me after stores that needed lots of work, and I was rewarded with my first route. I heard unflattering rumors, but…


Do you have a Defeatist attitude?

Do you think having a defeatist attitude prevents you from being successful? Or do you think it's something else?


trying to get job

ok so im 16 and recently turned in all my paperwork to this place including a direct deposit statement. both people i talked to made mentions I'd be perfect for the job, would eork there in the near future, they needed staff, etc. they said they'd call me twice now (once before handing in my paperwork and once after) however i had to contact them first last time and haven't heard from them this time either when a call was promised a few days ago. i plan to call tomorrow when theyre open and clarify if they truly want to hire me or if there has been a communication error regarding my number. is this a smart thing to do? my bf thinks they don't actually wanna hire me but i really need a job and have been searching/applying to places for months now


Wanted to give an update after moving to WA

Hey all you may remember me or not I was fired from my previous position as a pool cleaner just before I moved to WA. I’ve now been in WA for 4 months and I’ve gotten a better job as a lead lifeguard and they pay me a living wage(flippin finally). Anyway this is kinda dumb but maybe there’s people on here who cared to know. Thanks for any and all advice hopefully we can make it to the next day.


“We’ll talk about compensation if we offer you a job.”

I had an interview yesterday for a part time administrative assistant. It went well, and at the end, I asked what they had budgeted for the role. The HR representative asked for clarification. I asked what was a range that they had expected to pay someone for this role. She said that they would talk about compensation if they extended a job offer to me. Is this normal? I haven’t interviewed many places, and I have never negotiated pay. However, in the past, I have never had to bring up the topic as the interviewer has always mentioned it. Is it normal to not even tell a candidate what range or a base amount that could increase with experience they can expect as compensation?


$225-a-head Washington restaurant made staff buy its ingredients with THEIR cash


I announced that I left my job and received 108 likes and 32 comments all telling me congratulations. I feel like there would have been a lot more concern rather than congrats over this just a few years ago.


The great satan beezosbub himself