
I was working as a professional stenographer for 4 years, then switched to road cleanup crew quite easily. Prove your point @corollablunt


If you support this, but not the “no vaccinated people” stuff on job postings, congrats you’re a hypocrite.


[META] The petite bourgeoise bootlicking here needs to stop.

Many people on this sub seem to be in the very early stages of anti-capitalism, and some haven’t even gotten close to that far so let me explain a bit. Small business and small business owners are no more inherently moral than any corporation. The fact that a company only has a couple workers changes nothing if they are being paid shit wages, treated unfairly, and disrespected. Just because a small business owner is not wealthy does not mean that they are not a capitalist. If you are employing people and making a profit off their labor, you are exploiting them. Even if they don’t make absurd amounts of money, that doesn’t mean that that they are excused on all counts. Small business owners are still the owning class, and as such make their money by exploiting the labor of others. There is no inherent different between a multimillion dollar…


Wtf am I supposed to do.

I'm too afraid to kill myself but the alternative of working for the rest of my life seems worse. I am not good at anything and I have cheated my way through most of my classes. I already have had a taste of office work with a two year internship in the IT field doing customer support. I do not think I can do it again. Everyday I wake up feeling guilty because my parents pay for my college education to go to classes I hate and just want to end all the misery. I know im too much of a coward to do it but each day i get closer to the edge and at some point the pain of my life is going to be worse then whatever method I choose. But if I do not do it I can look fowrad to working for the rest of…


is it better to disclaim a disability on a job application, or say “prefer not to disclose”

If you disclose on the job application and they reject you as a candidate, would you have any grounds to handle this through the EEOC? Or does it just fuck you over with no recourse? I always waffle about this because i have used an ADA claim before but i feel like it would be a bad idea to disclaim to prospective employers…


Why does it feel no one cares that the Fed is openly stating that they are trying to destroy the labor market?


I’m a teenager, i’m looking for my first job, what should i look out for?

i don’t know if this is the right sub for this but it seems like you people know the most about this stuff. getting a job right now doesn’t seem like the best idea but i need it for reasons i don’t wanna talk about.


Quit my job last week, only because of the owner son in-law (my boss). I emailed this to the owner and he went in and yelled at the son in-law. Ex coworkers told me it happened about 15mins after sending this email. lol


Soon to be fired because of my therapy appointments

I (24F) got hired as a customer service representative at this start-up in the beginning of the year. They have a set schedule for each shift: one for the morning, one for the evenings, and one for the weekend. I have classes in the morning, so I decided to take the evening shift. Around March, I switched therapists and the only available day I found I could attend sessions conflicted with my evening schedule. My therapist provided a Letter of Support to my job requesting for this one day off, and after discussing more with HR they were able to accommodate me for this one day. They also offered me additional shifts to make up the hours. Throughout the next few months, the company started to let more and more people go. Last week, they fired the last person on the night shift other than myself. The following day, HR…


Communication is key