
I got rejected for an internship to a company that claims they don’t care about level of experience.

I recently applied to a company claiming they’re “not like other companies” and that they accept people of all backgrounds and levels of experience. I worked really hard on my application and had my career coach review it for me several times. It wasn’t a very competitive application either. I was able to speak with one of their recruiters who told me they were actually struggling to find interns. Today I got an email from the company saying that I “WaSn’T WhAt ThEy WeRe LoOkInG FoR.” If this were a position with very specific requirements, I would understand why I got rejected. But this was a company bragging about how experience doesn’t matter and that they accept people of all backgrounds. I am very confused about why I didn’t meet their requirements if those requirements weren’t clear to begin with. Also, if the recruiter said they were struggling to find…


Quit my job due to being treated poorly during bereavement

Last year I suddenly lost my youngest nephew. He was 17 months old and one of the most important things in the world to me, along with my niece and other nephews. It was an accidental and violent death at my parents house. My mother was responsible and it was witnessed by most of my family, including my other nephews(who were the older brothers to my nephew who died). They all have ptsd and it has been the most devastating time of my family’s and my life. I am a landscape gardener and right after the accident by boss said all the right things you should say when something like this happens. “Take however much time you need” “You have support from me” “whatever you need to do, do it”. She acted as though she would be there for me in any way she could as a boss. I decided…


Tell me if my salary is reasonable.

I'm currently working in a WFH position (8 hrs per day) for a US-based company, where our basic pag salary is $700/month. I’m not a US Citizen btw that’s why the equivalent value of the pay is considered big in our country. When you are assigned to work on weekends and a night shift, it is likely that your pay will be increased to a maximum of $850. Laptops, internet, and setup are provided by us. If you have been with the company for 6 months, you will be eligible for $300 in benefits. I work a midshift (12PM-8AM EST), and our timezone is completely opposite that of the United States. However, there is no extra pay if you are assigned to this shift so I will just received $700 per month :


active shooter at work.

I make 10 an hour. At a job I should make 20. This is the second time. I'm looking for a job. Can't find one… I'm sick.. I'm sick of living like this. And now, in the running and screaming. A 10 year old kid, nicholai has gone missing.. I'm sobbing rn. Had to get this off my chest… bye


Genuine question for all of you. How do you stay positive? I am very grateful for this sub, but often after reading things here I am terribly depressed at the state of the world, see no end to monetary issues and feel that no matter what is done, the rich have won and will continue to devour.


“Wow best job” lol

This company is HORRIBLE. They purposely throw away and damage good product to avoid selling it as discounted prices, they heavily underwork their employees, the pay is very low, they constantly advertise their employee discount (which doesn't stack with any promos so it's basically useless), the environment is very toxic and stressful, management doesn't care about anyone just sales, they constantly send people home early if sales quotas are not met.


Talk about real goals!


Boss Won’t Fix the Bathroom Fan

Pretty obvious thread, but yeah my boss hasn't fixed the bathroom fan in over 2 years. We just have one 5 by 5 foot bathroom, and it's also open to customer use, so I barely use it because walking in there is basically like having nasal sex with the person who used it last. It's disgusting and inhumane to force us to poop in a steaming cloud of some drug addict's excrement. I asked and they made it seem unlikely to be fixed. Is there some sort of OSHA guideline or Geneva convention this violates? How do I force their hand on this?


My job scheduled me for the days I explicitly stated I couldn’t work. They changed it, but they told me that I have to find my own shifts until the new schedule is made.

Due to a change in my college schedule, I went and talked to my manager about changing my availability. I filled out the needed paperwork and this was two weeks before the schedule was made. Well I got a call from a co-worker who said that I was not showing up for shifts and they wanted to fire me. I checked the schedule and lo and behold I was scheduled for ALL the days I said I couldn’t work and NONE of the days I could! I talked to the new store manager and he blamed me and said I must have not filled out the paperwork on time or at all. I can’t find or get ahold of the manager I talked to about it and gave the paperwork to. The store manager took me off the schedule for those days, but told me that I would be responsible…


Forced to Come in When Food Poisoned by Own workplace

So as the titled suggests, I work in the fast food industry. At least used to. We get one free meal while on our breaks. Pretty much the only think we get while working there. Even the free meals aren’t much but the same thing over and over again. Well a couple days prior to quitting, I had gotten a meal there and was halfway through eating it when I noticed it was undercooked. I threw the rest away and told them. All they said was that I should have taken it to them before eating it. Then that night, I started getting sick. Throwing up, getting the shits. I was miserable as fuck. It kept going till the next day and I called out. And just a kept going till the day I quit. I was feeling like shit and forced to come in. I go in and I…