
“Short staffed due to the stimulus money…”

Finally found one out in the wild. They’re apparently short staffed due to the small amount of stimulus money that we received two years ago, and not the fact that they probably pay their staff $3 an hour. Go figure.


One does not


Need input from restaurant servers regarding uniforms.

Florida-USA. A few years ago, the nationwide restaurant chain I worked for was sued by some employees stating that their use of the word “required” when it came to uniforms meant that the company was to provide them. HR had to change all of our training materials to remove the verbiage “required” in terms of uniforms and supplies needed. I’m starting a new job at a brand new restaurant and they sent out an email yesterday stating that the server’s shoes must be a specific brand name and design. It’s an $85 shoe that’s not exactly easy to find. Based on what happened with my former employer, is this legal? I’ve been in the restaurant business for a really long time and it’s always been just a basic black non-slip shoe for every job I’ve worked. This would be a first requiring a specific brand and style. Thank you in…


Tennessee is hoping voters don’t notice

The state legislature has put forth the question to the citizens on the ballot for this November. It's called amendment 1, it would take the 'right to work' law and make it part of the state constitution. I'm not voting for it, but there aren't that many free thinkers in this state.


Boss pays employee £3/hr instead of £9.50/hr


Fired for multiple jobs


PLEASE: Don’t be afraid to take a mental health day

Stress is at an all time high and if you need a mental health day, take it. Tell your boss the truth, or don’t and say you’re sick (sick of work is how I see it). I’ve had to explain this to multiple people at work who try to everything to come in to work even if they aren’t able to get things right at home. Fuck this job. Your mental health is miles more important than anything here. This can wait, your health can’t.


What the Federal Reserve is aiming for


saw a connection post this on linkedin, even remote workers aren’t safe


I lied in a job interview and got offered the position

A few weeks ago I interviewed for a position that requires some technical knowledge of statistical modeling. In the interview, they asked me if I had any modeling experience and I wanted to sound good so I said I was just finishing up a project that related closely to what they were looking for. In reality, it’s a project I always wanted to do, but my current company wouldn’t let me because they didn’t see the benefit. I explained the project as if I had done it (which in my head I knew exactly what steps I would take to complete it). Further, I went on to tell them I was wrapping up the project and presenting my findings to my supervisor soon. Completely untrue. The interviewers were very impressed and told me I was perfect for the position. I feel kinda shitty because I told a lie that potentially…