
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Income Inequality and Redistribution of Wealth


A tale of two Americas: D’Andre and Jeffery

This is a story about the same country, America. A country where depending on where your're born, your skin color and how much money you have will determine your fate. ​ When D'Andre was 5 years old his mom was busy working a full-time job and money was short, D'Andre often found himself having to entertain himself and would often spend many hours in front of the tv. When dinner came often times he would be eating hotdogs and box mac and cheese, thats all his mother could afford. When Jeffery was 5 years old his parents took him on a vacation Disney land and to the beach. His parents then enrolled Jeffery into private pre-school for gifted children. His parents paid tutors to help Jeffery learn to read and write. Jeffery also got to try out many sports, collecting gear for T-Ball, football and horseback riding. Jeffery ate a…


Wanting to quit, not wanting to get sued for slander

I work at a cafe. The owner is a known sexual predator. There was recently a successful strike against him for harassment claims. After working here, I realize I can no longer support his efforts to rebuild his business after the strike. Although it’s good money- it’s not worth putting money in his pockets. Resentment against him amongst employees is high. I want to quit and make a statement but I know he has a history of filing lawsuits to shut people down. How should I go about this to stoke the resentment of the workers without putting myself in legal danger?


Thinking back working at Bestbuy, I can’t believe I let myself be treated like that

I had a general manager named Shannon who was without a doubt the single biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met in my life. I was 18 years old supposed to be working part time. Within a matter of 12 months I went from part time in computers to full time to sales lead for their magnolia home theater section. I’m talking at the peak of the 4K TV world when 7000$ tvs was huge if you moved one and I was slinging them like a mad man. first in our district to sell a 9000$ Sony 4K. Making 9.50 an hour……… with no raise at all for any of the position jumps. When my yearly came I got offered a .15 cent raise. 15 cents, and there was nothing I could do about it. Then I find out the SEASONAL help is getting paid 11.50 an hour. We got…


New manager insisted that everyone put their PTO on the calendar for December under threat of write ups.

Mind you, I work in a professional setting where someone being off for NOT cause a chain reaction of negative outcomes. Also, I’ve never had a manager mandate that ALL PTO be scheduled at least 30 days in advance or it will not be approved. Needless to say, this is not going over well with the team that is never had to do this before either.


Hellena Taylor, the original voice actor of Bayonetta, is telling fans to boycott Bayonetta 3 after ‘insulting’ offer

Friends, Worldlings, Bayonutters. Hear ye!#PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan— Hellena Taylor (@hellenataylor) October 15, 2022


AITA for calling out a manager who told us that lunches were not mandatory?


Redefining Profit

The core problem with our society (and why we can't seem to get good leaders) is that we value profit. I think that a conversation can be had about redefining what profit means. When an investor hears the words “a company has high profits” they invest in it. However, when a regulator hears the words “a company has high profits” they need to look into that company. Here is why. In a perfectly functioning market, the cost of ANY good from houses to generic drugs would be driven down by competition. The perfectly functioning market would have 0 profits. All goods would be the cost of labor plus the cost of materials, advertisement, storage and transport split out among all goods sold. 100% of all produced goods would be sold, there would be 0 waste, and 0 profit. In other words, profitability is a measure of how inefficient the markets…


Should I have a lawyer look over my wage claim?

A bit of background, McDonald’s never paid for my last 11 hours I’ve worked and I’m in the middle of filling out a claim, would you say it’s advised that I have a lawyer look over it before sending it out or would I be fine?


Subordinate makes more than me, fewer responsibilities and I am in another country. What to do?

Reserving some details to avoid giving identifiable information: I am outside the USA, the company I work for hired me a while ago to replace someone from there, let's call them Sam. My role was to replace Sam and eventually do the same tasks for Europe and eventually Asia. Sam did not do the tasks alone, he had some people under him to distribute the load and coverage (otherwise he wont be able to sleep). Sam has been moved to a new job with fewer responsibilities (before in charge of all Americas, now only a single subsidiary). I am happy for him since he has kept his same salary. Sam is a great guy, he understood that I am not his enemy that this was due to the company management, he has trained me well, he has made himself available to be consulted on stuff that happened in the past,…