
My father in law hasn’t been paid in months and still shows up to work. I’m speechless.

Sorry, I just have to vent. Granted, he's in China and is working for a company started by his childhood friend, who now retired and now is now being run by his boss's spoiled son. I met his son when he was studying abroad in the US several years ago and although he seemed like a nice guy, it was pretty clear from his mentality that he's had a silver spoon to his mouth all of his life while the ppl working for him are working for free for months. Is this normal even for China? If this happened in the US, you could take your employer to court after your paycheck is late for a few days. I thought they had the lying flat movement in China though it's mostly my generation…


How it feels to see people in this sub defending [any] work and [even] corpo jobs


Was i not supposed to send this to my boss?


Not me, but not even an ounce of concern for a fellow employee from management.


I was about to be put on a long LOA with pay while I waited for my surgery for an injury I got at work, but my manager is acting like he’s doing me a favor by keeping me working.

I was so looking forward to not working for a little bit. This entire week I felt incredibly excited that this would be my last week doing monotonous “Light duty” which is essentially just walking around and standing in place for what could be 8 hours at a time. My manager approached me last night saying how he didn't want me to be out of work that long, and he's gonna make a corporate call to see if he can bat for me to stay working until my surgery. My heart sank into my stomach and I've lost all excitement and morale. I thought I was going to be able to LIVE my life for a minute. 🙁


I have a 4hr interview next week. How do I even prepare for it?

How much can I, or they, want to know? 4hrs is so long. Uhhhh so frustrated about it. It’s a university recruiter position.


When forcing your employees to keep their webcams on isn’t enough.


Hey friends, for those of you who need or want it, here’s the student loan forgiveness beta link:


Don’t forget to get your boss a giftcard!


‘We Won!’: Workers Vote to Become Second Unionized US Apple Store