
Toxic dust everywhere and im told im being paranoid

From construction to warehouse work the toxic dust is everywhere. Anybody with understanding knows its inn the air and knows it doesnt leave the body. I read 9/11 victims, almost 10,000 who breath inn dust got cancer. The coworkers and bosses tell me im being paranoid and it isnt bad. I really cant be the only one out there with a smart brain?. Its unbelievable. Of course we will breath in toxic dust at times but im not trying to get extra doses daily at work. Thats all.


hope this isn’t a repost


Discriminating based on political opinion is harmful to normal people who don’t already have comfortable jobs. It takes away people’s choice of working.

There was a post on here saying “I don’t hire conservatives” and surprisingly many people agreed with it. The problem is conservatives who read that post will think “l won’t hire liberals then”. There are so many conservatives/liberals that work at top companies in the world. Imagine not getting your dream job because the person interviewing you saw you posted a picture of you doing something they deemed too liberal or too conservative. Many of us don’t already have comfortable jobs like some of you. Many of us don’t want to be discriminated against when it comes to earning our livelihood. I follow AOC and Ilhan on insta. I don’t want to get job opportunities taken away for something as trivial as that. We’re already divided. Stop adding fuel to the fire. I know I’m going to get responses saying the post I’m referring to was talking about extremists but…


Boss posts this on LinkedIN but barely pays us and no benefits added


How can I find a labor lawyer to take a case if necessary

I've been working at taco bell for the past couple weeks and recently called out because I was sick. I got a doctor's note to excuse me, and was instructed to stay home until my covid test results came back. I was told by my manager that I would receive a documentation if I didn't show up. 3 documentations is automatic termination. I had already given them the note and was supposed to be out for 3 days. Today is day 3 and I was being told I would be fired for not showing up, but I said I would listen to my doctor and stay out. Then, over text I was told I “no longer work there” and “good luck at your next job” along with many previous, borderline harassing texts and calls. I received many calls in a row at times and after the first time I actually…


it would also be helpful for us to understand your salary expectations

Currently interviewing for a role with a new company, which is charges less, makes less, and pays less. (They also work fewer hours and are far less toxic). I have been asked to indicate my salary expectations. I have responded asking what the salary range is. They have come back saying “it would be useful to know what your minimum expectations are, as our salary range is unlikely to align with your current salary at your current company. This would help us to manage expectations on both sides. “ Does anyone have a good strategy for playing this game of cat and mouse? Thanks in advance


Bathroom at work.


sketchy workplace?? help

sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this!! but it seems like most people here know their stuff. so im 17, first job ever, ive been bussing (hired on the spot- the old busser quit) for at this family owned restaurant in FL. ive worked maybe 10 hours there already. pay is under the table cash. the first problem is that they havent paid me yet and are entrusting me to write down my hours on a piece of paper. i don't know if its an issue or not but it just seems weird to me. problem two is they havent shared any tips with me, i dont really mind but the owner told me i should work there because i'll get good tips. are they supposed to split them with me or are they not because i'm a new hire? problem three is they kept interrupting my break…


Why are we made to feel like villains if we just don’t want to spend the next 50 years of our lives slaving for corporations like McDonald’s?

If you could learn how to play the system (because you damn well know they are playing you too) why on earth would you sacrifice the best years of your life to work for these companies who would replace you the next millisecond if you were to drop dead? What is seriously wrong with trying to avoid this type of work if it is all that's available to you? Even if I apply to something like disability why should I care if my life will be under investigation 24/7? What are they going to do, catch me watching tv? I've heard of a woman who applied to disability who lived near me just because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life slaving for a grocery store and people call her a loser for it around here, but I really can't say I blame her. I feel for…


Is mandatory overtime legal anywhere in the US?

Title asks the whole question. I ask because I was talking with my partner about how a job she had recently left was forcing a friend of ours to work overtime and he was under the impression that his overtime was mandatory. Both my partner and myself think otherwise and even think Ira just straight up not legal. Anyone have insight? Corporate entities really piss me off, especially when it's screwing my friends