
Bosses response for a TEMP job when asked for time off to be with my dying grandma. Should I just tell them to f off?


How do y’all do it?

How does anyone afford to quit and look for new jobs? This might be the only thing holding me back from quitting is the thought of homelessness The other side I work at a shit company (usps) where basically I’m being forced to work 12 hours 7 days a week, leaving me with no time to even think about trying to find a job. Let alone schedule an interview. Yea I’d probably call out but if I do that everytime I have one I’ll start getting down the discipline path Idk just anyone got words of advice, or tips on how some of you managed a between job situation?


After getting another badge or plaque at work, it occurs to me that the only real rewards are time or money.

Time is what we give up in exchange for money with any job. Therefore, if a gift, award or acknowledgement doesn't come with one of those two things, it is just useless performance art, and I find it brings my morale even lower. What do you think?


How I vanished from job

So after I completed my graduation back in 2015, I got placement in a very large MNC in constructions. They made us sign a bond that if we left within 3 years from the day we accepted the job, we will have to pay 7k $. In my country, that's a huge amount, hell, some people earn this much in a year. Anyway, the first 2 months were amazing, they kept me in these amazing hotels for my training, and treated me so well. I felt blessed to be working here, but who knew it was all a facade (yeah, i was naive). When i was posted in the field, holy shit, the supervisor was way way strict. He used a lot of cuss words to make the labourers work. So he thought it was okay for him to berate me on my very 1st day on field. As you…


The jobs people do. Could you?


Societal depression and Capitalism are killing me.


‘Does this mean I don’t clock out for breaks’: Worker says company has ‘always on training’ TV because it doesn’t like workers using breakroom for breaks


What tf.


Flippity flip it around!


Slave vs Worker