
Experiencing Discrimination at Work.

Writing on behalf of my bf(34), “Mike”. He works at a big wholesaler box store that rhymes with “taco”. He’s been there 7 years for the insurance. Over the years Mike’s faced some discrimination there and is currently dealing with a scheduling conflict that we think is discriminatory. For two years he’s basically had a 10am-6:30pm shift, with random 3pm-11:30pm shifts thrown in. These “clopen” shifts completely mess with his diet and insulin ratios (has a pump and insulin regiment w doctors). He’s communicated that the random night shifts make it difficult to manage his diabetes and handed in a doctors note requesting he work a consistent schedule. They completely ignored this request and scheduled him a few “clopens” next week. Mike pushed back and explained that the ADA states he has a right to a consistent schedule. There response was to schedule give him a consistent schedule of 12pm-9pm.…


Federal application for student debt relief is here!

Hi friends! Posting this everywhere I can! I am actually impressed with how easy it is to do-didn’t take more than 5 minutes and I didn’t need any extra materials. Good luck and I hope we are all (mostly) debt free soon!!


Mums boss announced her medical problems in front of the whole office?!

To say I’m furious is an understatement. The whole family are already very stressed right now. In the last few months my mum has had large weight loss, pain and other distressing problems. Her doctor is in the process of running tests (lots). ONE of her test results came back clear and my mums boss came into the office (she works admin in a medical facility which makes it even more infuriating) and announced loudly ‘at-least you’ve not got cancer it’s probably just the menopause’. I don’t even know if this has come from office gossip or directly from my mums doctor to the health centre manager…. Also my mum is clearly not well and still going through a lot more tests for various cancers so not only is this boss a complete c**t she is completely misinformed too. My mum is now even more upset than she already is…


Work smarter, not harder.


How can I quit as smoothly as possible? I’m not good at this.

Ok so please humour me on this, I’m not good with communication, I have autism, I’ve never quit before, always been fired over calling in sick the wrong way. I totally accept any responsibility which is why I’m asking for help to do this the right way. I’m from the uk btw. So I work this part time min wage job, been there a year. I’m relocating next month. No one at work knows. I’m doing it for personal reasons not necessity. I do not have another job lined up as it’s very last minute. I had the date for handing in my notice at 21st of October so I’d have enough time next month to pack. So 3 months ago I was in a car accident and got whiplash. I tried my damn hardest to go about calling in sick the right way and I apparently still got it…


School admin wants me to join a Cell group saying that it’s a requirement. Time to quit after so many shit being added.

I just want to vent and maybe a bit of advice I guess. I work as a teacher in a Christian school under a Christian Evangelical church here in the Philippines. Before this whole cell group thing. I was the only teacher working in the whole school during the height of the pandemic 2020. I only had 5 students so it was okay, I made all the materials and basically did everything during the whole school year. 2021, they hired a new teacher that's a member of their church to accommodate the new students and the continuing students. I handled 12 out of those 20 total students. They also added a new curriculum that I'm not used to yet during the 2nd quarter. But it's okay, I was able to survive through it. This new school year. They hired a school admin that's an acting principal and hired a new…


I work for an animal non profit because it was the only job that took me.

I sent out about 400 applications and I started work for a non profit out of sheer desperation. and I make a whopping 10 bucks an hour (non negotiable) after working there for a bit it's not as “good” as they make it out to be. I find it scammy and I'm looking for other jobs that will actually pay me okay money. I'm using this place to buy a car so I don't have to rely on others/public transportation While I'd love to work with saving animals, I'd rather do it honestly and not feel like im scamming someone with an unnecessary price tag. “Good cause” or not… it doesn't feel right. Don't do non profits unless you want little pay for a lot of bullshit.


Two monkeys were paid unequally..


Work making me take 6 months and one day for PTO

Tomorrow, the 16th of October, is six months after my April start date (the 16th). That is when PTO becomes available to use. My employer is claiming that because the day falls on a Sunday that I can’t use any PTO until Tuesday. Is this legal? Is there any way to know? Thanks in advance.


Australian News: Mr Albanese used the conference to announce paid parental leave reform, providing Australian families an extra six weeks.

“We will expand paid parental leave to 26 weeks,” he said. “By 2026, every family with a new baby will access a total of six months' paid leave shared between the two parents.” Every American should be demanding the same FAMILY VALUES rights.