


Ive been removing my files from work computers.

So company is no longer going to be doing a specific part of a seasonal event we get contracted for every year, this specific part is my job. They are sub contracting it out (probably because Im too expensive) They want me to do another job at the same event instead. The problem is I really enjoy my job and I know the position they want filled is something I’d loathe. My current position requires a lot of programming, which I did on my own time with my own equipment. And have in the past produced many files that are vital to operation of the event. Whenever were not working the field I handle all of the companies IT needs, we generally have a month every year thats slow and we don’t really have any field work so I get to do fresh OS installs on the PC’s. Well months…


Equifax surveilled 1,000 remote workers, fired 24 found juggling two jobs


I finally get it now

Hey all, sorry for the charged rant but I wanted to get this off my chest. I feel like I finally understand why people who are worked to death end up killing themselves. At my current job I truly feel like a slave. For “part time” I end up typically working more than full time every week, 6, 7, 8 days in a row 8-4 or 9-5, for the equivalent of about $14 USD an hour without benefits. I have no free time for anything anymore, no time for the doctor or dentist, or to do important outside of work things so I can attend college. Working all day every day sucks the life out of me and literally deprives me of the ability to do much of anything since things close too early in the day. Requesting time for days off aren't always granted. My manager is on their…


My Employee Appreciation Gift was a hair clip


Someone posted this motivational poster on our electronic billboard at work.


Manager pushes me to come in sick on a wfh day for a “really important reason”.

I work a desk job and my role is “flexible working.” I was told when I started here 2 months ago that meant I could fit working in office and working from home around whatever I wanted. Awesome. Perfect for me because I have an unpredictable health condition, so when it flares up its best to be at home. I work from home 2 days a week and in office 3, my manager has had no issue which days I choose and she just asks me in the morning if I'm at home or in office. Well, last week my manager texts me and tells me she really needs me to come in. I tell her I'd rather not, I'm feeling really unwell and it's going to be a wfh day today. She reiterates that I'm really needed in office and she's happy for me to show up late. So…


My New Job (Rant)

So I just recently started serving at a bar. I’m a college student who has served before in a full scale corporate restaurant and I consider myself pretty good at it. However, this experience has been very crazy and honestly kind of a punch to the ego. Usually when I go in to serve at a restaurant, I mostly serve and help with other duties whenever I can. However here I’m expected to serve, work ToGo and DoorDash and GrubHub, bus with no assistance, and do a portion of the hosting, run all of my food without assistance etc. Which is fine but I’m also expected to do all of it also within like seconds of it needing to be done. I simultaneously serve a 8-10 table section (some of which can be up to 8-9 people at a table). This was my second weekend working like ever. It’s stressful…


Grumpus Maximus Interview


I quit my job yesterday. Here’s the events that led to it.

I used to work at a buffet named Fresh Harvest at a Hard Rock Casino and Hotel location. And let me tell you, it was the absolute worst job I've had. For starters, last Sunday our manager walked out during service. Around the 2-3 hr mark he grabbed his jacket, phone, and computer card and walked out. Nothing has been said about it by any upper management, and they want to continue operations as normal. We've been working anywhere from 10-12 hr shifts a day with only 2 30 minute breaks to equate to a 1 hr lunchtime. Which by the way, the director of food and beverage asked one of my hosts where I was (I was on my 2nd 30) and asked her, “Who decided you guys get a second lunch?!”. She answered him with that it's in the handbook that if you work 8 or more hours…