

I have a coworker who is 19, black and a military kid (parents were, not him). He was hired inspite of sleeping in orientation class, sitting around on his phone and—he gets $20.00 an hour now. This kid has been “working” at my job for THREE MONTHS, does not know how to do much besides build the legs and ladder. He wanders off aimlessly to b.s., joke, talk and just enjoy his time while the rest of us work. I have tried several times to reason with him, get along with him, and YELL AT HIM for not even comprehending that WHAT I AM SAYING ARE ACTUAL WORDS, REFERRING TO LITERAL THINGS THAT WILL IMPACT US ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. The kid is constantly smoking pot, takes forever to do things and always wanders around high and forgetting everything. I told the manager today, “I am not working with _____…


I’m quitting bc no raise, only to here they’re giving out raises and I don’t qualify.

So I've worked for this company for 7+ years and finally had enough. For example, my job takes 3-6m to get a feel for and years to become comfortable, kinda a niche field. I get to stare at a bunch of graphs and set points on the computer all day and monitor how the location is performing. So I'm quitting at the end of the year due to lack of pay raises and other personal safety concerns, i.e. cutting corners. In the first year we were bought by a competitor and they flopped on making a progression schedule for employees. So a VP throws out a old progression schedule that gets throw around for 5 fucking years. Said VP was my RMs old mentor and RMs office is here, but is over 6 other locations. So we were the only location that was being held to said progression. Every other…


Don’t spend the weekend being pissed off at work.

Only be pissed off on the clock.


Currently hospitalized, boss only cares about the schedule

Background info. I am 4 months pregnant and have been dealing with a lot of health related issues to this pregnancy. Yesterday I was showering getting ready for work and I fainted and fell. I went to the hospital and they found I had extremely low blood pressure and I also was starting to become malnourished. I’ve had terrible nausea and I puke almost instantly if I eat anything. So I’m currently in the hospital. On fluids and a crap ton of anti nausea meds to help me eat and let my body get the nutrients it needs. I called my boss yesterday and let her know I wouldn’t be able to go to work Cus I fainted and fell and need to go to the drs and when I called my dr they told me absolutely do not drive after fainting cus you could faint again. So she reluctantly…


Having to educate your manager on employment laws (not the first time)…

In one ear out the other…


Self-Assessment Topgrading Interview


I’m about to get fired…

Okay, so yesterday my boss sent me an email that recently I've not performed well and I've been breaking some of the rules. Basically, he told me that we should have a serious talk upcoming week. Maybe on Monday or any day of the week, depending on when he will be there. It is true that I have avoided some of my job responsibilities, coming in late, leaving early (mainly due to my bad health/scheduled doctor appointments) and even when I was at the office, I've been doing only the bare minimum. Maybe I subconsciously want to be fired? It is a means-to-an-end desk job and the pay is miserable, I've only been staying there because of the insurance. So how do I proceed from now on? Maybe I should quit first?


How to Prepare for a Protest Effectively.


Planning to report my boss treating me unfairly. Should I include HR?

Going to talk to the boss of my boss’ boss to tell her I am being treated unfairly. Is it better to bring in HR as well or just tell the boss’ boss’ boss? I work at a big company.

