


October 15: Class Warrior for life.


Hieronymus Bosch style painting of the modern capitalist corporate society. [Open AI / Dalle]


Punishing workers for calling off for illness or any other reason is really dumb

So I’ve been in management, and I’ve been a regular worker. One thing I’ve gathered from working is if someone comes in feeling sick, depressed, tired, hung over, whatever , they’re gonna do a terrible half assed job and make more work for everyone else. Alternatively if they work in customer service, they’re in a bad mood, perhaps even giving attitude to the customers, or everyone can obviously tell they have no desire to be there. Now as a company, why would you want someone who is going to do subpar work and even ruin your business public image from customers ? When I was a manager I let people have a “I’m sick and need to call off” day and a “I just need the day off” day and I wouldn’t ask any questions. I found I had way less call offs in general when I gave employees the…


Turkish mine explosion kills 40 and leaves many trapped


Whyyyy do I fester in major guilt when I call out sick!?

Am I the only one that feels like this? People constantly call out everyday at work, and idk why I’m the only one that feels horribly bad and apologetic for my chronic illnesses.


Teachers Want to be Paid Well & Respected *shocked face*


I’ve been posting my review of my old work everywhere I can think of.

Anywhere that is attached to the company name, at least. I know it's petty but if anything actually comes out of it (like the right people getting canned) then it's absolutely worth it. I'm not gonna wait for karma, anymore.


Just an ad I saw on YouTube that I thought you guys would roll your eyes at as hard as I did. Never heard of National Boss’s Day before.


Boss made it seem like I was replaceable…

So I worked for a school district and I did my best to be an asset. I was also the lowest paid person there, even people who were hired after me were paid better because of my position. So I was talking to my boss about how I was thinking about leaving. He basically told me I was replaceable. Shortly there-after someone higher up left, leaving an opportunity to move up. Now I wasn't mad I didn't get the Analyst position, nor the specialist position, they filled the positions with someone better than me and I do not fault them for that. But when it came down to the site support position they passed on me. That is an entry level position of the department. My position was a step lower, also entry level. So once it was made clear that I wasn't valued there, I stopped trying. I started…