
should I take a job knowing that I’ll have to be gone for a month in January?

I’m thinking about applying for a long-term job! However, I have some family matters to take care of in January and I will have to leave for a month. Should I still apply for jobs and take offers and tell them? Or should I just work a temp job and start finding long term job when I come back from January? Any help is much appreciated thank you so much!!


Wow, just wow. What does it say about your company’s pay when you have workers feeling like they need 2 jobs?


Animal Care is becoming a trash industry.

I've worked in animal care for years now, starting at a major retailer as an aquatic/exotic specialist and then the animal leader for a large volume store in a ritzy area. I became the mentor for the rest of the district. The oversale of pets during the beginnings of covid disgusted me. Although HR and my district manager found nitpicky reasons to make jabs at my work for sending contaminated animals back to the vendors, refusing sales to owners who were just quarantine bored, and providing larger habitats to pets they wanted more “on display,” I was ultimately fired for “breach of policy or procedure.” For large scale retailers, this became common for middle management that didn't compromise their ethics. I soon followed an old General Manager of mine to a chain dog daycare facility. I was driving 50 miles round trip a day for $16/hour plus tips, and i…


Bored of middle-class wannabe tech people

Working as a programmer in Seattle, and the very first thing people (who are also tech folks like me) talk or ask is either about buying a new home, a car, the stocks or their promotion dreams! And the funny thing is that they all act like they are all “Bill Gates” saving the humanity lol! Working day and night for mega tech corporations is like a sacred duty to them. They literally have nothing to talk about other than this bullshit that I really feel disgusted.


Superstore is the TV show made for this sub.

They discuss low wages, lack of benefits, unions, and so much more. And its funny too.


When Kroger buys out Albertsons…


Nurses that quit, Where are you working now ?


Update: My job is writing me up for “not meeting company standards” one week after a miscarriage leave

This is an update to my previous post where my job is trying to write me up for not working fast enough right after I came back from a leave of absence due to a miscarriage. So Wednesday I spoke to the Operations manager, who is my boss's boss, after talking with my manager again. According to the OPs, the write ups are automatically generated by HR and sent to the managers to give out. Both the OPs manager and my manager reached out to HR to try to get the write up removed. Apparently normal HR is unable to do that and it had to be escalated further up the HR chain. I spoke with one of the members today and they just basically told me I can call the company's Employee respurce line and try to get my leave extended to cover the days I was slow (if…


Fired for “Job Abandonment”

It has been almost two weeks now, but I was fired for what my company called “Job Abandonment”. My job was a Software Remote Support Rep. We took Calls, Emails, and one person per day was on Live Chat. However, the Live Chat is essentially “Work on email cases and answer a Live chat maybe 3 or 4 times a day because its rare anyone chats in”. We were supposed to have a total of 13 people total on the team. 12 on the phones and 1 on chat. But a few months ago, the management decided to promote half the team without having anyone to replace them, so we had 5 people for a month and a half. We had to cancel Live Chat for that time. We finally got replacements trained and got back to 13 and my first Chat day came around. It required me to wake…


Manager said if he was a customer and got the grapes Id made he’d have punched me in the face

This was 2ish years ago and I quit shortly after this but I figured you guys would like the story. I was working at Dennys as a waitress during this. I was freakishly exhausted as my shift was ending (supposedly) and Id just worked 16 hours to cover for someone. It was about to be Sunday morning and Id been slammed all night while being alone. The restaurant was a disaster zone, messy floor, the fruit and salad prep area wasn't ready, I had messy tables, etc. I finally had help come in and I decided despite working 16 hours already Id stay an extra hour to clean up and get stuff done so next shift didn't need to work with the nightmare mess Id left. I cleaned the tables, did dishes, cleaned up, hurriedly cut the fruit, etc. I then went to my manager who needed to dismiss me…