
just a little reminder for those who feel down and out…

it's not your fault, regardless of your circumstances as long as you have tried it's not your fault. the wealthy and the lucky try to make you feel like shit because your a victim of circumstance. they have convinced you that your a failure, not a victim of an unfair bullshit system. remember, as long as you tried your best, it's not your fault. your a victim of an unfair system.


put in a sticky situation due to my boss’s feelings being hurt

I just started at my dream job. I haven't been doing it for super long but I'm doing really well, at least that's what my direct supervisor and program director has told me. I have a coworker who has been there for years, and she is full of valuable information, but she's also a micromanager to all the new people. At first it was great and helpful, but now it's annoying and petty. I spoke to the director about this issue, and they stated they'd talk to my coworker without using my name, because, well, that's just common sense you would think. My supervisor pulled me aside and told me I'm doing a great job (verbatim: if I had five of you I'd be all set) but that going to the director for things was skipping the chain of command and that it could technically be considered insubordination. She then…


When at work, I fuck around with other businesses live chats

I do tech support, so I'm naturally sitting and typing on my computer all day, so I'll go on Home Depot's or Lowe's website, start up a live chat, and ask about things like “which nylon zip ties would you recommend to restrain an adult male, roughly 6' 250 lbs?” and “do you carry a band saw capable of cutting through the bones of an adult male?” and “is this particular freezer capable of storing an adult male?” i get mixed answers, but Lowe's is particularly helpful. I even ended a conversation with a Lowe's agent by saying, “you've been an excellent accomplice!” Home Depot, I got transferred to a supervisor and they ended the conversation. I do this on the clock to make it look like I'm doing actual work. Any recommendations for fun, interesting things to ask? I was thinking about asking about philosophical questions, or just talk…


Saw this, felt it belonged here.


“We hear you are starving. Have you tried self-care?”

For context: I found out our CEO (501c) made $360,000 in 2019 (for those who are curious, her salary was $200,000 and a $160,000 bonus; I make $48,000). Eventually it wrapped around to the whole company. All-staff meeting last week concluded with her acknowledgement of the incredible pay-gap and the company's solution…handing out EAP cards and recommending more self-care.


Can’t tell if my local gas station is putting up Halloween decorations or making a statement about job opportunities.


Fuck the Job Market

To my university, fuck you for delivering false promises. My degree didn't get me a fucking job in a related field. To my previous employer, fuck you for overworking me, undervaluing my work, not recognizing the shit I did for the company, and pointing the finger at me whenever shit went south. To anyone working as a recruiter, HR, or is a hiring manager, fuck every single one of you, and I hope you can choke on every rejection you give to people like me who deserve better jobs. Fuck all of you, fuck this shit, fuck me, I'm fucking done with this fucking shit of a game. I've been working my ass off to build a good career, and I have really good experience, and still I'm getting rejections from every type of job. I even talked to a couple of recruiters and they said that my resume is…


I don’t think enough people realise how poor they are because they’re still hanging on by a thread. It’s with the slimmest of hope that we haven’t burst into a panic about our very survival on the scummy greed of others.


Workers at second Apple store vote to join union


UBI is freedom from forced labor

It is time for our economy to reflect our morality. Part of addressing inequality is giving every adult citizen a monthly direct payment, or Universal Basic Income, so we can stimulate our economy from the ground up while also getting our basic needs met.