


What country’s jail requires the least of its inmates?

I’ve accepted my dream isn’t economically viable. I dream too big, and I don’t want to just work towards those dreams and fail. Passions just aren’t economically viable. Hence, if I’m stuck living, I want to be able to live as carefree of a life as possible. I don’t want to have to leave bed. I don’t want to have to get dressed and fancy just so I’m not looked down upon, despite the fact I’m not attractive anyways. I don’t want to do repetitive, meaningless work. So I was wondering if getting arrested is a viable option. If I could move to some country, commit some minor crime, and live in prison. At least then I could be free of having to deal with people that make me feel worthless.


If you work for an advertising company, then you are part of the problem.

Ever wonder why we call it “paying” attention? It's because our attention takes energy and has value. Attention we spend glancing at an ad is time we could have spent attending to something else, something we choose. We can never recover this lost time. Which is why ads that are engineered to capture our attention without our deliberate intent are immoral; quite literally they steal our lives away from us a few moments at a time so that someone else can make money.


** Need advice/help please **

My dad had surgery not too long ago and has been on approved medical leave from work for about a month now. He’s been in contact with workers comp to help him get paid for the time he isn’t able to work and that’s all been signed by the doctor and the manager at work. He received a call today from IT support for his company that his work email account has been accessed and his email receiver has been redirected to his managers email instead so my dad hasn’t been able to receive any of his emails from WCB or any other email since October 4th which is when the IT support told him is when his email account was redirected. Now the manager is refusing to send over the emails to my dad. We live in Canada and the company is an international company Is there anything we…


Investments that aren’t doomed and/or morally troubling?

Wife and I are middle millenials ('85 and' 86), and do low six-figure salaries in our corporate jobs. I spent most of my career in the nonprofit world before marrying this year, so I'm kind of new to having any extra money. Wife's parents really think we should buy a property and do the airBnB fuckery that's destroyed the possibility of affordable housing, and just become regular bottom-feeding landlords as a fallback. I actually think (and hope) people doing it are about to fall into the next real estate crash in a minute. Meanwhile, most stocks and other financial investments (including ours) are in the toilet right now with no immediate prospects of recovery, which is maybe what's driving so many people to buy real estate in the first place. People on this sub with money, what are you doing with it?


Gig economy and unions

If there was a local, brick-and-mortar community gig economy marketplace, how would you want it to work?


Advice on sales wages

So I resigned from my sales job October 6th. I collected my commission check and left, just curious if I’d be entitled to my “draw” check as well. Basically, every month you got $480 twice a month, which was then subtracted from whatever you sold that month. IE I was expecting atleast one for this month. Do I have any ground to stand on?


Does anyone else get super nauseous before work?

This has happened since I started working at 15, every time before a shift I get nauseous waiting for it to start…Once Im there i’m fine but it’s always the lead up that gets me.


Getting Tired of My Jobs BS

I’m a server at a restaurant. Minimum wage + collective tips, part time hours because full time would mean we have to receive benefits. All summer we had no business and checks were $500 every two weeks. Every time someone quits my manager busts out a calculator to prove to us that they made a bad decision because they’ll be making less money “once we get busy again.” It’s finally happening, but I get bullied by other employees and then blamed for it by my bosses, expected to clean when it’s slow while everyone else stands around and talks, plans parties without me, etc. I go home crying because of the way I’m treated 3/5 days. I’m scheduled nonsensically, 12 hour days without being asked but still not enough hours in a week. I am the only one who gives my bosses my full attention and availability. Multiple times I’ve…


Those who make freedom halfway, are those who dig their own graves.