
Useless Petty Tyrant Musk

Elon Musk would wander the halls of the first tech startup he launched in the 1990s and get “really angry” if his employees weren’t still in their cubicles working at 9 p.m.


Something to keep in mind during labor struggle as well


this subreddit would be a full blown movement…

If it wasn't for the corporate shills dividing and conquering us. We are stronger together!




Chronically short staffed, bless my coworker for wanting to come in, but this shouldn’t have to be.


How has American society not become cynical yet?

32-Millennial here. Graduated high school during 2008 Great Recession, saw companies lay folks off who were making good $ and replace with cheaper labor- slashing salaries across the board and keeping us locked in a cycle of income lower than cost of living. Then we saw the pandemic psuedo-recession lay folks off again, those people just started getting jobs once more like 6 months-1 year ago, and bam! We are in for an even bigger recession now that is supposedly going to be worse. Major layoffs on the horizon. I mean, nothing is a bigger buzzkill to motivation for work than back and forth hiring/firing and having to start over again every few years (which will probably be the way moving forward, major recessions every 3-4 years as the FED and Govt pump up inflation, bring it down, then pump it up, then bring it down). How can we keep…


If I have to request time off 21 days in advance, then you should have my schedules ready 20 days in advance!

That is really all I have to say. It's not even really THAT big of a deal. I had a shower thought honestly but I figured it was more relatable here. And actually the title is a bit off. Maybe more like 15 days I should have my schedules.


Some news from somewhere else: French oil workers vote to continue strike

​ Striking French oil workers have voted to continue their industrial action, which has led to shortages at fuel stations across the country. The strike, in its third week, has shut six of France's seven oil refineries. They are seeking a 10% pay rise – 7% to cover inflation and 3% for what they call “wealth-sharing”.


Gabor Maté: Capitalist Society Is Making Us Physically and Mentally Unwell


we absolutely need to allow felons and people who smoke weed the opportunity to have a good job.

Why can't I smoke pot and be in a union. I can get blind drunk and beat my wife but even the occasional user will test positive for Marijuana. Same with felons why can't they have a good job because they fucked up once. Just because you smoke pot or have a felony doesn't mean you're a bad person. I've worked construction most my life the felons and pot heads work the hardest and get paid the least why can't we be part of the union. Why are we all stuck making 20 an hour or in factory jobs with pay ceilings. Absolute bullshit and discrimination. A good friend of mine can't a good job because of something he did when he 2qs barely 18 he's 32 now works for cash no benefits retirement sick time or anything. I want more for him and his family I want more for…