
They took our table!!

Came into work today, went down to the stocking/break room and apparently we don’t deserve a break table anymore because the table and chairs were gone. i don’t think this is gonna entice the fear and harder work ethic that she wants.


May be relevent? Anti-capitalist rant

Here is something i wrote after coming home for work this morning. Posted on Facebook, been doing some personal work and writing has been good for me. Figured this would be a good place for it as well, been following the sub for a long while. Cheers. Though of the morning. How did we get to the point that earnings are inversely proportional to production/effort? Generally, the harder that you work and the more you actually propel society forward the less you are worth. In my industry apprentices do the majority of the work, jouneyman do a more technical but less intensive job, up to the point where they sit in a truck for half a day waiting to work, and management/owners move paper and send emails at most. Same seems to be true in every walk of life. If you are the hardest working person, keeping the wheels turning…


Another meeting with a recruiter

I got a meeting with another recruiter for this months long job search. When I tell you I'm OVER IT, that's an understatement. I'm just here because I got bills to pay. I'm tired of the fake ass formalities, I'm tired of the questions, I had a recruiter with this same company before just pass the fucking file! I'm so fucking exhausted of this process. Will someone please throw a god damned brick already?! Sh!t.


The things I think at work


Fired after 1 year for going to the hospital

I was fired after 1 year of employment for going to the ER because I feared I was going to have a seizure while driving in a town that I'm unfamiliar. For the most part, my seizures are under control. This day, I could tell something was off and needed help. When I met with my boss, he fired me because this incident made him look bad. I missed a meeting. I'm so sorry my chronic disability aggected your life for all of 1 hour. To make matters worse, I have yet to hear from anyone at the company. WTF is wrong with people?!


“If you don’t have a job… I look down on you”

I found this in the wild this morning. It's someone I used to go to school with. This mentality is just absolutely insane to me. There are a million reasons not to have a job, the economy, mental health, physical health, being between work, early retirement, being on strike, etc… Hell that more i read this, the more i feel bad for this kid. He's in his late 20s and is going to be working himself to death for the next 40-50 years, all while being spiteful to those that don't. PS: i do work full-time, i have since I was way to young to admit, pretty successful for my age (Sr engineer), but even i know how total BS this mentality is.


Welcome to France !


Life saving solution: don’t burn out nurses

So, I am watching a video on preventing the spread of infection at my new hospital yesterday. It aims to “break the chain” of behaviors that may cause serious hospital infections. One portion of the vid states “the nurse, being burnt out fails to audit the behavior of her coworker.” The summary of the vid goes over the many methods to address how staff can break the chain to prevent serious hospital infections. It mentions all “the details staff can consider and actions staff can take.” Nowhere does it address that the management allowed frontline medical personnel to become burnt out. Just wanted everyone to know that videos like these are being shown in areas where peoples' roles are literally life or death. This factor wasn't even discussed or analyzed as one of the ways that infection was allowed to spread. This is a major medical center and teaching hospital.


My cat (emotional support animal) died this morning and my boss wants me to still come in

Uh, the title. I said no because I can’t coach a class when I’m a crying mess. I had to take an FMLA leave last week due to severe depression too, so I was extremely surprised when they told me they needed me to come in and ignore my beloved pet’s death. Im really not the most mentally stable person so is it normal to be able to work the day your pet dies??? Am I just being dramatic? I’m really upset at my boss right now too.


Only if this was legal, I’m sure they would most definitely put these rules in practice.