
Is there anybody that humanly enjoys the closing shifts or evening hours?

TL:DR: My boss changed my shift hours from 6 to 11AM to 2:30 to 11PM and 24 to 40 hours and won’t talk to me and im thinking of quitting. Like seriously, I’ve been working for about 2 months now with my shift being 6AM to 11AM that i’ve enjoyed since day 1. These past 2 weeks we lost about 75% of our closing and evening people, Many being employed less than a month and usually still learning as they go. So come forth this week they changed my schedule massively from my usual 6 to 11AM to now 2:30-11PM. I should mention that I work part time not full time. So at first im like: Ok i’ll give it a try and see how it goes since I don’t start college until next semester. 3 days in and i’m to the point of quitting beyond belief. My legs and…


Can amazon force my wife to do overtime everyday and on Saturdays ?

My wife joined amazon as a customer care representative a month ago and the job is work from home.She’s in India and Amazon is UK based I suppose, and her manager and trainer keep forcing her and her batch mates to apply for overtime of one hour each day and for a whole day on weekends i.e saturday. I thought overtime was voluntary and not forced. Not sure which country’s labour laws come into play here. But I wish I had a law that she could provide to her manager to get out of this situation and only work for 5 days without overtime being burdened on her.


Everyone at work is so nosey!

Me and a fellow coworker have been being scheduled together a lot more lately. We have started to compare stories and begin to realize everyone there asks a lot of personal questions that could be taken offensively. From getting government assistance to asking if I “check out other women?”. I’m a lesbian and happily married going on 5 years now. We have come to the conclusion that we’re just going to extravagantly lie to all of our coworkers about our lives and it’s been pretty fun. Well, tonight I called in for the night. Supervisors aren’t supposed to ask why but I know that mine will when I get to work tmrw night. Im asking for your help! When she asks what should my next big lie be! Please keep it PC nothing about family, medical emergencies, deaths, etc.


Equifax Used Its Own Product to Fire Employees for Working Two Jobs


Good grief


the best applicant reaction I’ve ever gotten

I've been trying to find a less toxic workplace and have applied for 30ish jobs with a pretty unique role. Applied for one on Monday and got an email today from the hiring manager It was a very personalized message apologizing for not taking the posting down that morning because the position was filled. They went on to say how sorry they were because they recognized the time and energy put into applying, writing a cover letter and a resume. They actually acknowledged the effort that candidates put into applying and told me they'll follow up directly for the next few open positions to let me know- and I actually believe it based on the content in the email The point? Don't lose hope in landing a good job, even though I didn't get this one at least the employer gave a shit I tried. That'll keep me optimistic enough…


“My old man was just so full of hate that he didn’t know that bein’ poor was what was killin’ him.”

Quote from Mississippi Burning (1988), a thirty-four year old movie musing about the motivations of racist murderers fifty-eight years ago. …somehow people still haven't learned the lesson that those in power can easily point their finger at someone with “otherness” and blame them for the workers' current woes and the weak-hearted and scared won't question them if they feel what little they have left is threatened. Those people will police themselves into line with what the boss wants to protect what they assume is being given as a reward, not realizing it is their right in exchange for labor. With a little encouragement from the top they will then start policing everyone else, by inflating their pride or intimidating them, all the while thinking this will gain them favor above everyone else from the boss, totally oblivious that the people in charge never needed to reward anything when they can…


with the rising cost of food we now get to eat less on our minimum wage salary instead of less profit for our multi millionaire owner who owns multiple food chains and grocery stores. my manager who also makes minimum wage tried to gaslight us saying we were using too much for our food lmao.


You people are all just sorry sacks of shit.

Every single one of you commie fucks should go get off of your lazy asses and take a shower. I hope you all die homeless and poor, but you won’t because my taxpayer dollars go to feed and house lazy pieces of shit. Fuck you.


My employer is forcing me to use 56 hours of PTO as an hourly employee. Is this legal? California.