
Is antiwork predominantly a Western movement?


Which one of the following items would retain an employee?


(FL, full time) Employer is requiring almost 30 additional hours this weekend. Is this legal?

For context, I work at a inbound call center that sells Medicare plans for seniors. This weekend is AEP (National open enrollment), the busiest time of the year in the industry. We receive a base salary of $500 per week, as well as commission bonuses. Saturday and Sunday I’ll be working from 9AM-12AM, a little under thirty hours when accounting for lunch and dinner breaks. Admittedly, our commission bonus is pretty good, and increases in number the more you sell. But I have a major issue with being required to work these hours with no reflection on my base pay OR overtime. So, is this legal? I’m not well-versed in labor laws and don’t know if there are exceptions for insurance agents or employees who receive commission bonuses.


Leaving small tech nightmare. Please help.

I just left a job if 9.5 years with a small saas company working fully remote. I was on of the first employees and never signed any form of equipment contract or property contract. Now that I’ve left—and my final check is in my bank—the owner emailed me demanding I return company property “including but not limited to” (exact words) computers, equipment, CLOTHES, and physical files. Do I have any legal standing to either, 1. Ignore it altogether, or 2. Demand a list of specific items? My fear is that he will keep coming back for more.


psychological evaluations are b.s.

ever notice how, even for the minimum wage jobs, if you apply online they expect you to fill out a whole ass personality test? these are joe jobs meant for teenagers. why are we attaching psychological assessments to a goddamn mcdonald's job? that's absurd enough, but they seem to purposely word the questions as vaguely as possible like they aren't literally begging for help. isn't the vibe check what the job interview is for?! it feels passive-aggressive, unnecessary, and like a test to see who will lick corporate's boots the most. stupid. i want this trend to die but it probably won't.


My Job Is Giving Me less than 15 hrs/wk

(Rant) Because of new management, my workplace is cutting costs by reducing hours, saying it's because it is getting slower (it has not.) I have worked here for 6 months with my boyfriend, who was a closer but resigned from his position. He and I are night shift workers, and since the new managers are cutting hours, we are no longer working together, which is bad because I am his only ride to and from work. The only solution was not to schedule us for the same shifts, having us work earlier in the day, or asking one or both of us to be closers , but instead to overwork the closers by having them work from 3 or earlier to close and leaving us with 11 and 16 hours a week. I will be talking to my manager about this tomorrow, but what can I really do if nothing…


Am I lazy or am I disengaged due to bad treatment from managers?

This sub reminded me of when I was a secretary a few years ago. It was my first (and last) job as a secretary so I had a lot of new things to learn. I was trained for the first two weeks, which was great because there's nothing worse than being expected to do a job with no training. My manager seemed really nice and she told me that it's ok to make mistakes (which turned out to be a fat lie). This made me feel a lot more comfortable. On my first shift, I messed up with phone calls because I kinda forgot what to say and my manager passive aggressively told me that she already trained me on how to do phone calls. First of all, she didn't train me on how to do it yet and even if she did, it was still my first shift. Some…


Company mislead me into working for $9.58/hr for a 24 hour shift

Starting working as a 1099 contractor for a local company recently. For background, I work in the healthcare field. I was offered a shift through said company which had sufficient pay for the hours. I was instructed through their network to call in to book (unusual but I didn’t think much of it) so I called in and accepted. As it turned out, the client needed different hours than originally booked, and needed instead one 24-hour shift. When I checked my pay I noticed that not only had the amount for the other days that had not been worked not been deposited (expected) but that the pay I was supposed to be paid for working that 24-hour shift was lower than I was originally promised. $230 for 24 hours. I was livid and called the company, stating I had declined other paying offers before the client canceled, and not only…


Trainer / Supervisor makes me feel uncomfortable.

I started a new job recently and the trainer that is supposed to train me is making me feel uncomfortable by being “judgmental” (?) and being in my personal space. Within the 8 hours of teaching me, he would touch me (not inappropriately but I just don’t like being touch especially if I just met the person). He would pull my chair closer to him (like physically dragged the chair and said come closer in a demanding way), bringing his face really up close to mine MULTIPLE times and even grabbing my phone and start taking pictures with it. I just feel like my personal space was invaded and I felt extremely uncomfortable. He also seem to be very offended when I said I don’t usually make work friends as I am only working part time and don’t seem the need to be friends outside of work as I’m uncomfortable…


Pursuit of profit bodes ill for US healthcare

Here’s the gist of the article: Private Equity firms are buying into the US healthcare space because they see it ripe with opportunities to cut cost and increase efficiency but it’s often resulted in worse access and quality of care. Also, they want to cut out practices without high margins, so getting rid of general practice firms and increasing Botox. The article also talked about private equity firms buying into hospice care as well.