
What leaders need to know about quiet quitting… aka the labor rebellion


I’m leaving this sub

It's become too much repetitive whining. Good luck to you all.


Terminated for not getting the annual flu vaccine?

My wife’s job (front desk-doctors office) is making the annual flu shot mandatory this year. If she doesn’t get it she’s fired. She’s in no way anti-vac. She has all her Covid vaccines, she just doesn’t want the flu vaccine this year. Is there anyway for her to save her job?


I’m sick of trying. I’m sick of hopping from job to job only to find one of three problems:

Take the following three: A. A job where you are so bored you can barely stand being at work.B. A job where your manager is a complete prick and constantly angry despite it being his ineptitude. C. Jobs that are overly complex and just out right would benefit from throwing the rules away and staring from scratch. Now mix it with these: Jobs that I've taken that pay well ultimately want me to work 100 hour weeks. Jobs are screwed up beyond repair and won't pay for the resources needed to actually fix the issue. Managers that cannot communicate the job or do it themselves and don't understand what is going on coupled with vague job descriptions. I have seen job descriptions that clearly don't explain what the job is. “You will be working with XYZ components.” Then you never touch them etc.My last job takes the cake. My manger…


A bat shit stupid plan for a revolution

I have no idea the actual logistics to this plan but its just an idea. Get a small group going with people that are specifically interested in revolutionizing work. storm inside public work places that underpays their workers, such as restaurants, fast food joints, retail places etc. and try to get people working their jobs to follow the march, seperate the original group with the people who just gathered to hit other places. Then meet altogether at the state capitol building and protest. Why this could work, it will be considered a peaceful protest but it’s more forceful bc it literally takes people from their jobs making corporations panic and actually pay attention Cons, people who join in on the protest will garuntee lose their jobs, meaning there needs assurance that food and shelter are provided to the people who join in Let me know what y’all think of this…


Help me figure out the candy corn amount


Gen z plan to financial success and a high quality of life in this shitty new age economy.

Before we start, for this to work you need to love your parents, be an only child, and have an open mind but it’s very simple and guaranteed to make you have a good life. 1. Don’t go to college it’s a waste of time and money unless you become engineer, doctor, lawyer, tech, etc. 2. Get a career not a job, without a college degree your job prospects are of course limited but you can still make 6 figures easily at a good company I.e. working at ups, becoming an electrical lineman, plumber, electrician, rail road, trucking etc. 3. Buy one of the new age houses with a attached apartment with the combined income of you and your parents 4. Since the house is huge it’ll only appreciate and while you live with your parents you’d still have your own private apartment for cheaper than you’d get your own…


what do you think about tipping for fast-food places such as Subway ?

Subway is now making you pay tips , of course you can skip it but the employee will look at you expecting a tip, sometimes they even comment on it in subtle ways. Just for the info, Subway employees are not tipped employees such as bartender or waitress. They are hourly employees and are expecting tips for making you're sandwich. What do you think about this, is this fair, should you be shamed for not tipping these employees and take the comment that says if you cant afford it don't eat out if you cant tip. Then again their w2 hourly employees. Thoughts?


Pay Stub Accuracy

My employer issued a pay stub then took it down and issued a different one saying there were mistakes made. The second one is significantly lower. What are my options? In Ontario.


Work hard or work enough?

The choice is very clear when I posted this question in this sub:). But wonder if you have ever got great reward for being above and beyond in their role or it is just hit or miss?