
Has anyone left a job and not paid back tuition costs?

When I left my old job I owed them about $8k for tuition that they paid to my school for me. I was supposed to repay it but they never asked for it…so I just never paid. That was 3 years ago. Never heard anything about it since. Now I'm leaving my current job and I owe about $12k this time. Considering just ignoring anything they send me on the matter as they are a large company and its honestly probably not worth their time. Just curious if anyone was in the same boat and never repaid. How did it turn out for you?


My boss’s self esteem requires him to overcompensate and feed his ego

I will be quietly quitting from now on. It’s been two years and he hasn’t forgotten the three things I’ve “joked” about.


Boss wanted to see fear

Work in office day today. Boss says he wanted to see me. Said the company is making a few changes, only effects few people. Gave me a raise. I was thinking bad news! Weirdo


Current boss is exploiting my student visa status by not paying me overtime so I need to quit. What unreported work should I do instead? What other businesses are willing to pay “under the table”?

Basically what the title says. I’m an undergraduate college student on a student visa, and I need to work to stay in America. I currently work as a server, and I get pretty good money from tips. However, my boss (no matter how much I work overtime) always pays me for less than 40 hours a week. I’ve had enough of his bullsh*t so I’m going to quit. Because I’m on a student visa though, I can’t be legally employed, but I need a job to replace the one I’m leaving. Does anyone know if there are good places to work (businesses, restaurants, money gigs) that could make enough for me to get by?


Chaos at WMMR: “A Really Dark Day in the Station’s History” – Corporations could care less about their employees even ones that worked there for 20+ years


Manufacturing & Warehouse Workers – what do you hate about your jobs? What do you love about them? I need some support

Just starting my second manufacturing job, in a new state, after working 4 years at another one. My god is it fucking miserable. People expect you to understand things without ever being shown, treat you like a piece of shit if you don't get it immediately, and god forbid if you ask for a better explanation from your “trainer” (actually just some dude who's good at the job and is now forced to train others at the same time). Please help me by sharing your grievances. I just wanna know that I'm not the only one who feels like a moron at work when I try so hard. I don't get it. Thanks to anyone who read this.


One of the most revealing videos imaginable when it comes to how much your employer cares about you and your safety


Only for new hires? Fine.




50+ combined years of experience required for an unpaid role