
Got fired on my 4th day of work because I wouldn’t lie to people

I was hired for a manager trainee position. In my interviews I was told this was not a sales job. We were assigned the exit doors at Sam’s clubs and Walmart where we would try and guilt trip people into doing monthly donations to charity. There were a lot of unethical practices. For example, I saw one person ask someone to donate and they said they could do $1 by card. After that, they took the card and charged a $25 donation. They than came up to me after and said, “I totally finessed that guy he thought he was only donating $1 and I got him for $25”. On top of this they would take advantage of people who didn’t speak English by taking their credit cards, and signing them up for monthly donations, but wouldn’t explain to them they would be charged every month in a way they…


Anyone else in this cycle?

Wake up. Commute-work-annoying-office-interactions-lunch clusterfuck for 10 hours. Rush home to try to take care of typical adult things as much as possible in the 3 hours youre allowed while burnt from a long day of work. Sleep. Repeat everyday. Fuck this shit man. I wanna live my life.


After a few product defects from the weldshop due to lack of training of new hires, our manager decided to post this on our board.


fired for talking about wage with employees

Long story short. Boss comes in and tells me to not discuss my wage with other employees (I make the most and I am the newest). I was angry about that then decided to tell employees of unfair wages. Very next morning imidiet termination. Boss said it was failed probation period for “tardiness” which I had never had a written nor verbal warning on. I have been late a few times but made up more than enough with overtime and staying late. I also asked “are you terminating me for discussing wages with employees the other day?” He said yes. I live in NY. What's the best course of action I can do?


There’s 3,200-Year-Old Egyptian Tablet Records Excuses for Why People Missed Work


As a former manager, it’s unreal how these “bosses” behave.

I used to be a site manager for a large carwash chain up north. If one of my people needed a day off suddenly (illness, family emergency, etc) I would either cover their shift or find someone. I would never put in on them. Need a week off next month? Cool. It's none of my business why, I just need a heads up. Want a raise? I'll help get one. Doesn't come out of my pocket. Don't want to go above and beyond? I don't blame you. 11 an hour is laughable. Just do your job and go home. Can't come in suddenly when someone calls off? It's not your responsibility to cover for anyone. I don't know who these people think they are. They want to be a big boss but don't want to do the extra work that comes with it. They want everyone else to do it.…


UK richest family accused of ‘playing Scrooge’ over below real living wage workers’ pay | National living wage


GenXer here who is so inspired by GenZers and Millenials with this new concept of ‘quiet quitting’.

I’m in my late 40’s in a new director position I accepted three months ago and I have to say your generations inspires me when it comes to your work ethic. Y’all seem to understand the concept that it is only a job. It’s not your life. Rather than letting a career define who you all are, your generations are actively canceling the idea of a career and embracing what is most important in life: your health, your loved ones, and most of all: I am so happy to see more of y’all putting yourselves first. It’s awesome. So if you choose to work a job, just do what is required of you, clock out and go live. Covid, Trump, the 2008 Recession, and the Towers falling were enough to make us all realize the American Dream is and will always be a Farce. Edit: Please forgive my terminology use…


When is enough, enough.


Comedy to help the pain.