
My boss just informed us that they will now be monitoring the security cameras for good posture…help

I started at this job about 2 months ago. It’s a front desk position at a neighborhood rec center and the HOA for the community is also run out of the same office. I took the job because it pays decently and it’s a relatively easy gig. Unfortunately since I started there’s already been a lot of changes that I didn’t know were coming when I started. When I took the job I was told I would be able to read or do homework during downtime, both of which are no longer allowed. Last month (on my day off), we had a front desk only staff meeting where they spent the entire time yelling at us about rules we didn’t know about. They told us hoodies were not allowed at work anymore and that they expected us to “elevate” our dress but did not give any other parameters regarding the…


That time I got a lower “raise” because I was a better worker than everyone else employed

This was about 15 years back, I was 27 and employed as a warehouse / truck unloader / stocker at a major chain store. Actually, gonna name and shame – it was a Toys-R-Us, it was in Missouri, USA. Not the most glamorous job, but it was close to home, and it was overnights 10pm to 10am (something direly necessary for my life circumstances at the time). I worked 4 days a week for a total of 48 hours per week. It often spilled in to the 70-72 hour PER WEEK category because it was a shit low wage job and shit low wage employees were common… constant calling off work, calling in sick, quitting, or just apathy (it was common for workers to disappear into a maze of warehouse rows to sleep for hours). For close to a year I worked my close to 50 hours per week and…


Gannett doing furloughs after layoffs

Got to love when you hear that one of the largest newspaper owners in the US is doing forced furloughs in December after laying off 400 people in August. Meanwhile the CEO is making 7.7 million a year and doing skeezy things like buying company stock right before layoffs. Oh, and they won't be matching 401ks anymore and until November they have severence payoffs if you want to quit working for them. Just awesome. Not the way to cause that -80% stock price in the last year there Gannett.


Good managers exist!

I definitely identify with a lot of the sentiments in this community. But, as an American living in Sweden, I have to tell you guys, it's incredible the level of decency they treat me with here. I struggle with insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, the whole 9. And I've been going through a pretty serious bout of insomnia the past week, along with some pretty awful family stuff. I was hesitant to discuss this with my manager, obviously fearing at worst reprisal or indifference at best. But I told him what was happening. He asked me if my work load was too high, from a point of concern. He asked me if I wanted reduce my hours in order to feel better, from a point of concern. He flat out told me, he wants to do whatever he can to make sure I'm supported and fit for work, but also just…


Can my employer see what I am doing on my personal computer if I use company wifi?


My sisters coworker gave her covid. What are my options?

My sister went into the office yesterday. Her coworker, who is at a much senior position, hung around her all evening. The coworker texted my sister that night informing her that she tested positive for covid. My sister and I live with my immunocompromised parents. My dad and mom caught covid a couple months ago and it completely destroyed my dad to a point where he was bed ridden. After months of physio he is finally gaining the strength to walk on his own again. They have now also been exposed again to the virus. Now I understand accidents happen, however this coworker was taking care of her sisters over the weekend who had covid. Didn’t disclose that information and still came into the office. She justifies her behaviour that she was “testing every day” when I feel she should have not even come into work for at least 5…


Accused of Time Fraud Should I quit?

I have been trying to rotate to another position for months now but my management has not been responding to any request. I was placed in my current position a year ago against my wishes and I knew I wouldn’t be able to succeed on the project I was placed on. Today I was accused of time charging fraud for not being within a 6 minute accuracy of work duties and for researching information to help me with role on company time. There is no trainer or person who can help me for my position so I have had to train myself by reading APIs calling vendors etc. I work in the defense industry and I’m worried that if I don’t quit I will be charged with fraud. I’m just at a loss now on what to do any advice helps.


Lying about highschool diploma/Ged

So I have an interview in 3 weeks with Bell canada and I don't have either my highschool diploma or Ged. What are the chances they check educational records ? Idk if this is the right place to post this but thanks anyways.


HELP. I have a job interview next week and need to take that day off but need a backup reason

I am aware I do not have to tell my employer anything. however, I work at a very small company and I work alongside my boss all day. I am confident he will ask what I will be doing. I don’t want to create an awkward situation where it is obvious I am searching for a new employer just in case it does not work out. (Any advice is helpful. Please excuse my grammar and formatting I’m actually at work now)


Is it normal to have to apologise for sickness?

My apologies if I have the wrong thread, this just seemed like something that would really rustle the anti-work jimmies. Some back story, I (31M) have suffered with type 2 diabetes since I was 13, and have been through nearly everything that comes with it (i.e, hypoglycemia, fainting spells etc.). My current work place is aware of this, as I have worked for them for the last 11 years. 2 years ago the company got bought out by a larger entity who took things a little more seriously than previous ownership, which for the most part has been a good thing – job security was never perfect for a lot of workers besides a few, and new management came with more pay increases etc. An area that has changed however is the attitude towards sickness; as someone who goes through it a lot due to weakened immune system etc, it…