
Placement year

Hello I'm an undergrad student in the UK currently in a placement year (it's a year in industry where you're meant to gain experience and level up your CV before you come back for your last year of uni to graduate) I got a job in a healthcare company in marketing. I thought it would be long but at least something creative and in a company that wants to advance people's health, right? It's been almost 4 months (out of 12) and I have learned absolutely nothing and done nothing. Literally, all I've done today was edit a newsletter I wanna launch because I was bored. My tasks are usually something like put in these data into a spreadsheet or creating some slides – and they give me a week for it whilst I'm able to complete such a task in 2/3 hours. So afterward, I sit about doing absolutely…


I’m 26 and I’m already scared about my future

Hello everyone! I'd like to share my experience working so far and ask for general advice/opinions. I'm 26yo (M) and have a degree in engineering. I've had almost 3 years of experience so far. I've entered the field quite excited and hopeful to learn and grow myself but the last months have been making me worried. Currently I have a 9-6 office job. I wake up every day almost at 7AM just to avoid traffic and get to the office on time, even though my job could be done remotely most of the days (my company doesn't like that). I spend all day in front of a computer screen having meetings and working on the projects. I actually enjoy my tasks and what I do, but almost everyone on this company looks miserable. Most people here are around 35-45 year old and are clearly overloaded with work. Some of old…


Not working for, working at.

I'm not a native speaker, so I understand that's just how you say it. But still, the posts that I read send me a “submissive” vibe beyond the language, more in mindset. We say here that we work at here and there, with other idiots, spending some time together. Ok, when the owner is on your shoulder all day might be different, but still, the business is their problem. The only motivation for me and all of my colleagues is not to f*ck up the days and work of the other peasants. Everybody is there for themselves. Assholes are there, I know, but we make them outcast very fast in this low middle class job culture. If the company puts pressure on us: ok I'll do what I can, and do absolutely nothing more. Calling me out that I didn't improve? Well I don't see it like that, but I…


mom’s needs a second job

So most of My life we lived in poverty but about 6 or so years ago my mom got a decent job and my step dad got a crazy promotion so we basically shot up from living in families basement to having our own very nice home We lived comfortably for awhile but as of recently even with me moving out its gotten very difficult My family is upper middle class but shit has gotten so bad my mom has pick up a second job just to pay the bills We afforded that house very comfortably while I was still living there now both of them bust their ass like me a broke college student It's so stupid that this country is getting to the point where even the remnants of the middle class has to work two jobs. How long till we finally say enough and take on this…


Caught my boss underpaying me which lead to me almost getting a write up

I started this job about a month ago working in the service industry. At the time, the manager made it seem like a great opportunity. He was gonna give me plenty of hours including overtime, and even give me a $1.50 raise from my old job. Fast forward to my first paycheck, I realized my pay was not adding up with the hours I worked and the tips weren’t all that great, even though I was told they’re consistent throughout the year. After confronting my boss I got told I should be written up for disrespecting my GM, so I checked my paystub and realized he lied about my pay in the interview. I was getting paid $1 an hr less than what was agreed upon. I confronted him again and he said it was his mistake yadda yadda… today I got paid after busting my ass the last two…


But remember, Unions are bad for workers


Need advice leaving a specialized medical job


Employer double notice period

My employer informed me that the notice period has been doubled due to policy changes in the organisation. I am reluctant to agree to it since it doesn’t benefit me in any way. If a new potential employer offers me, I am obliged to stay in the lower paying job for a longer period of time before leaving. My co workers take no issue with it because they think that the company might close down and provide a higher compensation based on the longer notice period. What do fellow Redditors think?


Sweet. More money into the ponzi scheme. Nose to the grindstone, wageslaves!


How to call in sick for a mental health day?

Hi everybody, I hope this post is OK as I’m quite emotional and tired at the moment. I work at a small supermarket on the checkout. I love my job most of the time however I don’t like the bosses as they’re just not the nicest people in general. I get along well with the ladies I work with but I’m not especially close with most of them. I struggle with depression/anxiety and I’m just feeling so burnt out and exhausted atm. I’ve been wanting to take a sick day every day this week but I’ve managed to push through and go to work due to knowing my coworkers will ask why I wasn’t at work (they mean it in a caring way but I’m not OK sharing my struggles with them) and also because I don’t want to be seen as incompetent in any shape or form even though…