
Friend fired for first time, now sure where to go from here.

edit: i am so peeved i typed now instead of not in the title Long time lurker and I don't know if this is really the right place to post this but from reading here I know y'all are super knowledgeable. So basically my friend was working at a start-up for about a year iirc, was hired under false pretenses hourly, got moved to salaried recently and was implied she'd actually start on her intended position from when she was hired but due to some SERIOUS internal issues within the company (turns out the company is a lie, numerous laws broken within the company both for employees and patients, super absolutely fucked up company at every level) things started snowballing out of control bad fast over the last month. She was suddenly removed from all projects and given absolutely insulting tasks while being talked down to. In her 8 hour…


Fired unfairly – any advice?

For about a year now, I’ve worked as a personal chef for the CEO of a nonprofit group home. We’ll call her B. I cook in her home once a week. I’m self-employed, and I never signed a contract with her. Five or six months ago, B asked if I’d like to start cooking with the members of her group home (as sort of a cooking aide/tutor). I said yes, filled out my W4 and I9, and was hired by the nonprofit. (Aside: I soon learned that most of the members at the group home really dislike B). Two weeks ago, I notified B that I was raising my personal chef rates. I’d been hired by an agency, and I was starting to get clients that paid almost 3x what she offered me. I offered her a substantial discount (compared to my standing rate for new clients), but she declined.…


Slavery Was Never Really Abolished – Only Slave Ownership Was

If you look at the history of the USA through an unfiltered lens, you see a number of very striking realities that must cause cognitive dissonance in any thinking person. I will list the ones that I have identified here, in the way that I perceive them, in order to spur discussion: 1) The U.S. Civil War released a LOT of cheap labor when slaves were “freed” to work in the factories up north, and the new factories being built down south. 2) The New Industrial Wage-Slaves were so much better for the “Ownership Class” (Thanks, Dubya!) because they were self-maintaining. The burdens of food, shelter, and transportation to work were transferred from the owners to the wage slaves, and at a cost probably quite a bit lower than maintaining ownership of these slaves and their families. 3) Welcome to the new Freedumb! Factory owners were now free to pick…


What’s the solution? How do we achieve it?

All jobs are shit. Sometimes diarrhea, sometimes constipation that causes hemorrhoids, but shit nonetheless. Of course, I am speaking on my experience of working 3-5 different full-time jobs every year for the last decade, but I am sure many of you will agree with the general statement. In the past, the shit has included working 140 hours a week and being told if I wanted a day off to “work faster,” causing me to develop a bowel disease from prolonged not eating and avoiding bowel movements (the shit, in my case, is not figurative, it is literal). Now the shit consists of being forced to work in an office during a pandemic and knowing I won’t be compensated if I get sick (my co-worker just returned from being hospitalized for COVID and lost two weeks’ pay for it). Switching jobs doesn’t seem to do much; I have tried that more…


An expensive car like this parked in front of the door to the place Im interviewing for might be a red flag. Details in comments.


I was promoted even though I didn’t wanna be

I’ve been working with this company since February, and I was hired as a shift leader. Newer company, but growing rapidly with new employees added almost every week. My job description was pretty simple, and since I wasn’t an actual supervisor I got to do the same work as the team with a little added responsibility. Monday I was offered a promotion to supervisor. If it wasn’t for the low pay, I would’ve immediately accepted. But the pay was shit, so I requested 50 cents to a dollar more – my boss said he’ll see what he can do with the owner and get back to me Tuesday. Next day comes by and my other manager pulls me aside to have that conversation. THIS is where it gets a lil sticky. This manager and I have had an extremely sexually charged relationship (very secret and just between us). A lot…


I work at a pharmacy. I had to tell my boss that one of our patients passed away. His response was “Aw that’s sad…

…the reimbursements were great”. I wish I was joking about this. I guess I’m not surprised, but I just didn’t expect him to say it out loud.


Quitting with nothing else lined up.

My workplace just shut down the department I've been working in for the past five years. They've temporarily assigned me a job for three months before they begin re-configuring their workforce. I. Hate. This job. It's five ten hour shifts a week and rumor has it we'll be doing 8's on Saturday too, I'm coming home with black snot (dusty ass warehouse) and this isn't even the half of it! I just earned my CompTIA A+ and have been applying, found nothing so far. I was studying for my Network+ but this job has put a halt to that. The good news is I have $38,000 saved up and rent is only $485 a month. Wasn't sure if I should get private healthcare or if it'd even be worth it since the bronze package still has you paying 40% of your bills even when you hit your deductible! Was just…


“I can clock out when I’m supposed to or I can work overtime, get burnt out, and want to quit.”

I said this to a co-worker when explaining why I refuse to pick up overtime. I hate the thought of being seen as lazy because 40 hours is enough for me.


some of my most recent poems for proles. as always, open to feedback.