
Take a pay cut so we can get more money for tax write-offs!


Return to Office to do nothing

I literally drove an hour and half and spent 100$ filling my gas tank to go to work today and sit in my cubicle to pretend to work while people walk by and spend the rest of the time watching esports on my phone. I completed all of my work tasks early in advance, why should I seek out additional work that I'm not being paid for? I'm probably a slacker in their eyes because all they see me do is being on my phone.


What happens when you favor the shareholders over the workers….


Anyone else in California getting harassed by the “Stop A.B. 257” People?

A little back story they recently passed a law here that raises the wage for fast food workers to $22/hr. I went to Costco the other day and they had 6 people at the exit trying to get signatures to stop the whole thing by saying crap like “mom and pop” and “small business”. I just glanced at the bill and came across this “The bill would define the characteristics of a fast food restaurant, including that the establishment be part of a set of fast food restaurants consisting of 100 or more establishments nationally that share a common brand, or that are characterized by standardized options for decor, marketing, packaging, products, and services.” Fuck these people acting like you would be fucking over someones poor grandma!-edit


1st Day They Broke Labor Laws

I’m 17 and was looking for a new job after moving. They did all the normal stuff, there were behaviors that rubbed me the wrong way, but nothing horrific. Ran through the paperwork, including the minor labor laws in my state. We finish up the tour and they move me to train on the registers. I start to get anxious. Over the phone I was told strictly, be there at 9 and nothing more. They had not yet communicated how long I was supposed to be there and the four hour make was approaching (the max hours I could work that day). I frantically asked a manager when I was supposed to leave, to which she told me to ask other managers. Eventually I excused myself from my break once that point had been reached. I walked into the office for details. 8 and a half hours. That’s how much…


Bro wtf is this shit


This poster hangs up at my work and I find it crazy that federal minimum wage in the US has been the same since 2009.


This is the sign I’ve been waiting for.


I hate this new fake work family bullshit

What really grinds my gears lately is all these corporations fake attempts to make it seem like you have some kind of other arrangement other than working there. Like these big corporations that strictly pay no more than minimum wage acting like they’re so much better than they are. Like switching terms from employee to “team member” or “associate” like it’s not a predatory relationship to begin with and I’m not just there because I’m being paid. I’m not coming to work to “spend time with my work family” at god damn McDonald’s, I’m coming to get paid because I need money for food and to pay rent. It’s just patronising I’m not gonna let them act like work is a fun little treat. I’m here for the money and money only. What especially gets me is the “why do you want to work here?”, well since I was a…


pooh bear: antiwork pioneer