
From who I least expected

So my(M18) father(M46) has always been a fairly anti establishment guy, real hating the government believing in rage against the machines cause type guy. He's been a self employed contractor his whole life and was homeless for 4 years until recently. Im in between jobs right now after my last awful one washing dishes. I live with my grandfather and was discussing with him how the internet is really slow and we were joking about it and he said, “Oh you should pick up a part time then earn a little cash” Im sure we're all aware of how Amazon operates on this sub so I replied, “Im not working for amazon” and he sounded so dumbfounded by it and was perplexed why and I told him, “They're modern day slave drivers and treat you like cattle” and he believed none of it. Didn't wanna believe the pissing in bottles…


Can’t use PTO and lose it in 2023

I’ve been at this job for almost a year. All employees get a newsletter email stating that we will lose all accrued PTO at the beginning of 2023. Email also suggests to speak with your managers to use your PTO before the new year. Well I put in for PTO weeks ago. Crickets. After not hearing anything for over a month I asked my manager. It was denied. So let me get this straight, we can’t use our PTO, AND we lose it this next year?! This is absolutely ridiculous.


To the dumba— they made my boss

Can’t wait to when I can put my notice in.


Fam we’re still here


My replacement being paid more than me


Apple Is Withholding New Benefits From Its Only Unionized Store


Boycott Starbucks

The first Starbucks store to vote and be unionized in Colorado Springs is being closed by corporate Before they even got to negotiate, other Union stores throughout the country are being shut down as well because of Starbucks profit mongers wage theft policy.


Inspired by Starbucks and Amazon Worker Wins, 300 T-Mobile Customer Service Staff Unionize


Joking around got my wife a nice bump in her salary

I'll start by saying my wife still has that mentality of not talking about salary with co-workers and not rocking the boat at work. She works in Accounts Payable but she does way more than she needs to there, takes on all sorts of responsibilities and extra work without the extra pay. I am constantly telling her to see if she gets her resume together and apply elsewhere and she will get a nice bump in salary with her experience. She wants to stay because the people are nice and it's very convenient (5-10 min drive from home). We went to a charity fundraising gala/dinner that a retired co-worker/friend of hers was running. Everything was nice and my wife's boss was there. She's a nice enough person so we're talking and joking around and I happen to mention to her that I mentioned to my wife that she should get…


Lowe’s Workers in New Orleans Petition to Form Company’s First-Ever Union