
“Nice military”


On what planet would a person work a job where they lose money? How come it’s always shaming workers and never companies?




6 easy passive income ideas you should be doing. –



If my boss makes a million dollar’s annually what should I make? I have no illusions that my boss is more vital to our employer and has better decision making skills as well being more knowledgeable about our day to day operations. But in the since of generalizing what would seem to be a fair proportion.


Where can I pay someone to find me a job? (UK)

Do you know about any companies or agencies that I can pay so they can find a computer related job for me in england? I will have masters in software engineering and I just want any job that is computer related. Pay doesn't matter. Location anywhere in England.


Wage increase

My work is transparent about wages. They send internal job postings that state benefits and wages whether it be salary or hourly. They are looking for someone with my same job title at a location 6miles away. Literally there are only 2 of my type of position, and I’ve been with the company for 7 years. They are offering $1/hr more than I’m making. Identical benefits and job description, plus a paid metro card. Help me prepare for a meeting I’m requesting so I can get that money.


Having doubts about quitting

I feel silly even making this post. I have plenty of reasons to quit my job, but I still feel somehow insecure. Since the first week I started working there, I have been falsely accused. I don’t want to put of what just in case any of my coworkers reads this post. One of my bullies thankfully resigned a few weeks ago. However, three of my coworkers seem set on hurting reputation. Their behavior hurts me because I have always being friendly and helpful to them. However, I feel one of them has manipulated the other two against me. This person is always nice to my face but I know for a fact that she likes to talk bad about me behind my back. I’m surprised how the other two believe this person when everybody knows that she does not have a problem raising false accusations against people. To make…


[META] “Why don’t children work anymore?”


New management company screwing over employees.

Without going into a lot of details my company switched management companies. This new company is a joke. They haven't given anyone their health savings account money in 7 months. Employees who have child support taken out of their checks and the money hasn't gone to spouses. The handbook says you start accruing PTO from day one but management says nope has to be 6 months. It also says you get time 1/2 for holiday pay and management says nope. Lots of crap like this. So who do you contact in Nebraska to file a complaint ? One that would actually lead to something ? Thanks