
The continuation of the social protests and the entry of the working class into the demonstrations


Idea: wealth participation simulator

one thing I've noticed is that is really hard to explain people how salaries aren't the “horrible weight in the neck of our benevolent owners” and instead is the other way around. ​ so, I thought, what if we could make a game-ish visualization showing a company making a product and calculating what the work of each person contributes to the earnings. (and what their mental and physical state affects the whole, maybe?) ​ I mean, could as well be a full fledged factory simulator with that feature, what matters is to dispel the ideas that workers are a net weight on an operation instead of the very heart of it, and also the idea that raising salaries would create this horrible inflation pundits tend to preach about. ​ and it needs to be interactive, because people gets the idea better by trying things instead of being put on a…


Diplomatic ways to explain why you’re leaving your job?

I'm job hunting right now and would like some advice for answering the question, “Why are you leaving your current job?” I have a few, like the lack of room for growth, but I worry if I bring some things up, like the health benefits having changed, potential employers might worry I'll jump ship too easily. I interview pretty well, but answering this question wrong can make me seem like a liability.


Gave my day job an ultimatum today, will update!


The Audacity of These Jobs


Was this a smart move?


Figured you lot would enjoy this one, $7.98 an hour

This is for a bowling alley near me


Felt like this belonged here. From a forum for landlords. Sorry, who’s the roach?


Economy should never dictate our lives.

“What we need is not only to modify the system of production but to get out of it altogether. We should remember that this idea of framing everything in terms of the economy is a new thing in human history. The pandemic has shown us the economy is a very narrow and limited way of organising life and deciding who is important and who is not important. (…) If I could change one thing, it would be to get out of the system of production and instead build a political ecology.” Cit. By Bruno Latour. I don't know how many people knew him, but a few days ago we lost a great person who was devoted to IMHO the true cause of this subreddit. Let us never forget his words and keep fighting for worker's rights!


oh I’ve always been passionate about packaging tea