
I Quit! TW for talk of SH/SA

So around the end of 2021, I got a phone call from the boss of an extremely small (him + 3-4 employees) company I interned for during college with a job offer. I was working in retail, he was offering me a position as marketing manager. I was pretty unhappy in my job at the time and he was offering a decent raise, so I accepted. I started on January 31st, and walked out this past Tuesday because I couldn’t take it anymore. Here are just a few of the things that happened: -I was groped and/or harassed by MULTIPLE clients, as well as my boss. He frequently would kiss us on the cheek, and occasionally would get very drunk and hold onto us so firmly while kissing all over my face. When this would happen I had to wipe his f*cking spit off of me. -When the issue of…


what would a corporate holiday be without a few sacrifices? edited reupload


Corporate propaganda buzzwords are working overtime! Now workers are “quick quitting” instead of “quickly realizing their company overworks and/or underpays.”


Kroger & Albertsons discuss merging-mergers screws workers


capitalists view an economic crisis as an opportunity to make more money off of people.


Has anyone else noticed an uptick in bosses/managers/HR staff deploying the term “unprofessional” against you (or others) to try and manipulate the narrative of a professional situation? Just me?

It seems like I’ve noticed a major uptick over the last several months in manipulative narcissistic micromanaging managers and HR staff who have started throwing this term “unprofessional” around constantly. Like they seem to be willy nilly shotgunning the term from their hips, so to speak, in response to any decision, behavior, or communication they find undesirable from their myopic, selfish, narcissistic perspective of “their” employees being their literal (perpetually cheerful!) slaves. Maybe bosses/managers/HR staff are trending to using this tactic because they’re all reading about it via the same source and/or via networking? Is this even a recent thing/phenomena or maybe bosses/managers/HR staff have always been using this particular manipulative Machiavellian tactic to control their slaves for practically forever? Maybe it’s just me and I’m just now noticing this as a specific manipulative tactic by bosses/managers/HR staff to control the narrative of a given employee -which must always be…


Men in unions may make $1.3 million more in lifetime than men not in one, study says


Big boss told me to retake the test. The answer was D…


I was hired for a 100% remote position…now I’m being told if I don’t come in once a week I’ll be fired

For context I live about 2 hours away from their office which I initially did not think was an issue since I would be working fully remote. Today I had a meeting with my boss and he said they are requiring people to come in once a week, and if that’s a dealbreaker, then he understands. I said yes unfortunately it is, it would increase my vehicle expenses by too much and I have pets that I would have to figure out a day care or other form of care for. I also brought up that initially I was told it would always be remote. He said that’s all fine, no hard feelings, just let him know when my last day will be. I was taken aback, I said oh it’s a dealbreaker as in I’ll be fired? He said yes, it’s a requirement and if I can’t meet it…


What a blessing!