
Why There’s No Such Thing as a Good Billionaire – Adam Conover


Raising min wage won’t solve anything because it will increase inflation and will just cause a lot of small businesses to shut. In the end it will just make a lot of people unemployed and a very few people earn more

I’m all for improving lives of working people but Increase in min wage = higher demand in economy = increase in prices aka inflation. Businesses not being able to afford increase in pay = firing people (unemployment) or shutting down (more unemployment) which will cause more inflation since there is now a less supply of goods and services in the economy.


Boss was complaining about me TO A PATIENT

Long story short if you recognize me you know me from my boss complaining about me not working during my lunch break, yesterday I had to move 5 patients and put them on todays schedule (which was already fully booked) because he is horrible at time management. My lunch is usually from 12-12;30 and I’m on a medication that makes my glucose levels sensitive so if I’m hungry and my glucose drops it feels like it drops at once. So there was supposed to be 2 patients for 11:30 and both patients decided to arrive late at 12. I pushed off my lunch to be able to attend them. Once they were both being seen I decided to stop to eat my lunch because I was already shaking ( I swear my body has a biological timer for lunch time) then as I’m stuffing my face as fast as I…


The age old question: is this illegal?

My work has been putting people who don't work here anymore on the schedule so it looks full, there's gotta be someone to report that to right?


Is 9 to 5.30 supposed to be exactly regarded as 9 to 5 work routine?

I just could not find any sources where it says it is exactly same as 9 to 5, but I personally think it should not be considered 8 hours a day. It still means that one spends 2.5 hours more per week. My current company has a rule that says the 30min lunch time is not paid, but literally most of the employees exactly leave their work at 5PM considereing they started at 9AM. At first I did not give any thought about although I knew the lunch time is not included but it was logical. However, recently I was told by my supervisor that it must be 8 hours plus 0.5 hours as mandatory to me, when most folks leave just at 5PM. I tried to talk about then I realised 30min is not much of a deal and did not want to make a fuss about it. In…


social media background checks

i hear a lot of stories about being careful about what you posts and such because jobs can use programs to see everything you ever posted. what exactly are these programs? surely if they’re available to employers they’re available to the general public as well?


My coworkers are mad at me for making more than them

Sorry in advance for the rant but this is the only sub that would understand. I have two coworkers in my department who are my age, and last week we were alone in the office and started talking about pay. I disclosed my salary because I firmly believe you should talk pay with your coworkers (for this exact reason). The two of them got EXTREMELY pissed because I make more than them (one of whom started 2 months before me, the other just got promoted). I said that that was bs, and they should talk to the proper parties and get raises. I even said they could say I disclosed how much I make, because fuck this company and skimming their employees. They both agreed and said they would. Fast forward to this week, they won’t speak to me or even look at me. I tried to join in a…


Good news, Infosys not to mandate return to office, to follow flexible approach


Boss’s Day

I just received this email from corporate, any suggestions? “Folks- Boss’s Day is coming up and to thank Dan and Jim we’re planning to add a slide to the All-Hands deck for that includes a word cloud made from all employees. So, when you think of Dan and Jim what’s the word that comes to mind?”


No more unpaid time off

My place of work (not gonna mention a name) is not only denying everyone’s UTO requests, but said that they wont be a thing anymore. Can only use PTO and PPTO which both still get denied. God forbid we take a break