
Feel ashamed if you’re uninspired and worn down by your easy job! Toxic work culture post.


Turned down for promotion twice in 6 months

Been with my company for 4 years. They have known since day 1 that moving up was my goal. A management position opened up in late April and I applied for it. Passed a 2 hour online assessment, made it through to the final round of interviews, it was down to me and one other candidate. The other candidate has 1 year less experience than me so I kind of figured I’d have it in the bag. Interviews all went very well. He was given the position simply because he lived closer to the territory that it covered (I thought it was a BS excuse) but I tried to keep a positive attitude. Fast forward to this month, another management position opens which is extremely rare for it to happen twice in several years let alone 6 months. I applied again, and again I had a fantastic interview, was told…


Is this normal? I’ve had multiple jobs before and have never been asked what my sexual orientation is. Is this something new?


The More Things Change, the More they Stay the Same.


What about Europe?

I know that many people in this sub are in the USA, but what about Europe? In general we don't have as dire situation as in the USA, because there are better regulations protecting workers, but it's also not ideal, because lately also in Europe more wealth was amassed in pockets of the richest and there's no plan to resolve housing issue on EU level, they finally started to think about minimal wage enforced on the EU level, but in general countries look mostly for their own interest, not interest of people in other countries. Do you think that there's some chance for real transformation in Europe? Some say that EU system is neoliberal in the core, so it protects itself from moving into direction of social democracy or similar systems. I noticed that in the USA it took really catastrophic situation for people to actually start to see the…


Hypothetical/thought experiment

Imagine if superpowers existed or anything of that same sort of concept, we can almost assure that many people and especially bosses would think they should be paid less for more work simply based on how easily the work is done to them and how little effort/suffering they put in, and yet we expect people who do claim to have powerful brains or work “harder than everyone else” to be paid millions, it’s a very interesting dichotomy for things so similar in practice and concept. So always remember that you aren’t paid what you are worth and no one who does actual direct work usually ever is. (Not just labour)


What are some ways to make a new boss extremely glad to have hired me? Both big and little things.


Jumping Ship

Sorry in advance for the rant but I'm pissed. A little background I recently left a job of six years due to them cutting benefits this year. I have an autoimmune disease and need benefits. So I interviewed for a local government job. It's a bit of a commute but in the interview they said I'd be working rotating 9s. So I'd have every other Friday off. It would be a hybrid position so I'd only need to commute twice a week. Also they sweared up and down the benefits were fantastic. It would give me a senior title as well. Seemed perfect so I took it left my old job and was all excited. Fast forward a month into it. Turns out they lied in both interviews it's not hybrid, it is for the managers favorite people though. I confronted him on this and was told since other people…


My old company asking me to write fake reviews after it was made illegal here in the UK

Scrolling through my recent photos and came across this gem. My old company was so messed up and treated us all like shit. I wish companies like this actually got in trouble for pulling this.


Having doubts

So I got a job in a new opening store (home wear) and this is my first retail experience. The store is opening next month so the whole team is training (25 people ) everyone is new . Yesterday was the first training day and everyone was introducing themselves and having small talk and I’m horrible with small talk . Reasons : 1. I don’t like sharing with strangers and 2. I’m not interested in other people lives . I know that we have to try and be friendly,I’m friendly and polite to everyone but I usually have 1 or 2 friends it’s been like this everywhere,school and other jobs . Plus there’s the main manager attention seeker old lady that makes “jokes” and tells the sub manager to shut up in front of everyone but he laughed so that was ok 🤨 he basically laughs at everything’s she says…