
“The militarization of sales bros” ….Sales are love, sales are life


what’s the most bullshit reason you’ve ever been fired for.

I'll start i was out of state on vacation work was fucking with me. I had a trainee they wouldn't get him a log in so he used mine. I sat it up so he had people to help him. No one did I took my vacation heard something got fucked up while I was out and I was gonna be fired I laughed said no way I literally was 3 states away. End of the day hey you fucked something up last week. Me I was in another state you knew that approved it I have photos of me in that state and checkins how did I fuck something up. Your login was used by your trainee so we gotta fire you. It literally wasn't me you know this. Look man its your login you're getting fired. I have no write ups. Doesn't matter your fired. They had been…


Former employer lied about my job performance and now I’m struggling to find work.


What Starbucks thinks is going to happen if i utilize the once a month therapy sessions


Why There’s No Such Thing as a Good Billionaire


Billionaire MacKenzie Scott donates $15m to help provide glasses to farmers in developing countries | Donation is believed to be the largest single donation towards helping solve the problem of uncorrected blurry vision


Boss describes me as a rock solid employee – who am I to let him down?


YSK: Gen Z, baby boomers will attack you in the media like they did Gen-X and Millennials. Do these articles from 2012 look familiar?


Privileged if you love your job?

So I'm a wildlife biologist/ecologist, and while there's a lot that's frustrating about it, I can't imagine doing anything else for a living. ​ My friend thinks that the default relationship between a worker and their job needs to be adversarial in that, you're supposed to not like it, or at least barely tolerate it. He said that I live an extremely privileged existence because I was able to choose to do something in a field I love, unlike common people. ​ I wonder if he has a point, and I don't belong in workers' rights discussions. I have been trying to raise the idea of unionisation in academic/lab sectors in my field, but if it isn't applicable to the general relationship workers have with their workplaces, then perhaps I'm making a mistake in approaching it in this way. ​ Is this a deal-breaker, or am I over-reacting? I'm genuinely…


They Need To Share If They Want US To Work