
Salary rate in a franchise/restaurant in Malaysia. Only here you will find kitchen/bartender jobs that pays less than a cashier/waiter


Thoughts? 1974: The Peter Principle | The Peter Principle is the satirical theory that employees are generally promoted to their level of incompetence. #OnThisDay 1974: Its author, Dr… | By BBC Archive | Facebook


My buddy quit without a plan.


My employment agreement states that I need to give 30 days notice to terminate the agreement. I only want to give two weeks. Worst case scenario?

This is in US, in an At-Will state. The employment agreement states that the job is at will and either party can terminate the agreement at any time, etc. But at the end of this, there is a note stating that I am to give 30 days notice. What would happen if I only give them a two weeks notice? I doubt they would take legal action as I don't get paid that much and don't individually make the company any money. What could be the worst case scenario here? I'm not trying to screw over my current employer, but my new job is wanting me to start in 2 weeks. I was thinking of sitting down with the current boss to see if he would be willing to lower it to a 2 week notice period but I don't think he will go for that.


I work for a large corporation doing executive IT support. It was 50% remote which may change now

I’m real salty about this. I support C level execs along with one more person. When I was hired terms of my position was 50% in office. There has been a ton of restructuring and I just heard from my boss that it may be asked that we’re in office 100%. A large peel of this job was a great work life balance, and having remote days. My commute is close to 90 min to and from and 100 miles round trip. I’m going to flat out refuse these new terms without a pay adjustment, since the terms of my position have adjusted. It’s a hill I’ll die on. I now have to “build a case” for this adjustment – factoring wear and tear, sacrificing work life balance, additional gas, my additional time on the road – along with looking for a new job in the event that it’s declined.…


“How will you be useless to capitalism today?” -Bronte Velez


The only thing lazier than having a pizza party to improve low morale is to hang motivational quotes on the office bulletin board…


Over Retail…

I am just so over retail. I’m 23, male, and I simply cannot do it anymore. I’ve worked retail just about all of my working years, and I’ve had my fill. My older family members used to tell me of times when “if a product wasn’t selling….than the product needs to be changed”. That is borderline non-existent anymore. I have worked for shoe companies, mattress companies, and currently cellular companies. Every single one of them is out to get you (the consumer) for every penny you have. What finally did me in today was our store’s recent numbers. Apparently we aren’t doing too good. We are in that spot where our traffic is decent because customers hate the other carriers and locations…but that’s because we don’t do the things they do (meaning certain goals are not met)… I was told today that I (as well as my team), need to…


Got laid off with no warning

This is partially asking for advice and partially a rant, since I'm still fairly upset about the what happened. I worked for a company based out of the US but that had a Canadian branch (which is what I worked for). I was there for two years, started in 2020 and was let go of a few days ago. The client I was contracted with pulled the plug. Got called in on my day off for a meeting specifically for them to tell me I, and most of the team, were being let go of. They presented it to the team as the client pulled the plug with no warning, but I spoke with a coworker who was kept on and he said they told him a week prior, which with this company means they knew 2-3 weeks before they dismissed the rest of the team. I'm torn between being…


Bit of an overreaction much?