
Boss needs you back in the office.

Leaders said employees are more motivated when they know they’re being monitored in person by upper management.


Could this be a sign of firings coming in lieu of layoffs?

I’m honestly not really sure where to post this, I felt like this was as good of a place as any. Long story short, I work remote frontline CS for a smaller tech startup. Our CS team consists of just shy of 100 front line employees, and around 6 supervisors plus 2 managers and department head. Over the past about 6 months now, we have seen a drastic decline in the number of CS inquiries and the work has slowly been dwindling. Even though things haven’t picked up senior leadership made the decision to raise the daily productivity count to the point that at least a solid 80%+ front line aren’t able to obtain. Now that this has been in place for a few weeks, nearly half (approximately 40 – 45) of our frontline are now on disciplinary action plans for not meeting this goal. My concern now turns to,…


Electronic Monitoring Policy Meaning – Help

Our colleagues in Canada recently received the following e-mail and I wanted to know what to expect from it, how legal this is and any insight you guys can give me: [QUOTE] In support of our continued transparency as part of our core values, this is an important policy for you to read and acknowledge… is introducing an Electronic Monitoring Policy which serves to highlight the use of advanced technology, data collection, and data retention capability in overview of the potential extent to which information may be retrieved and/or monitored. This policy does not change how we continue to operate and is really meant to provide you with information regarding what types of tracking may be possible and how this data may be used. Please also review our Computer and Network Use Policy which the new policy also references. Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the management…


Boss said that bathroom breaks count as 10 minute breaks

I asked her, “So, are you saying we can only use the restroom twice a day, plus lunch?” She said, “technically, your bathroom breaks will count as 10 minute breaks. That's the policy we have at work. And you have two 10 minute breaks, plus lunch, to handle it” Okay. Well I guess, “technically” I'll be taking multiple ten minute breaks in a day. Don't fuck with my poop schedule.


The Best Day of My Work Life

I've been thinking about posting this for a while, finally decided to do it. I've been working most of my life, from bs things like delivering newspapers and babysitting as a kid to professional life. I have always hated corporate America, but hey, you've got to eat, right? Well, been thinking and talking to my SO about retiring early. Thankfully it was a valid option. I was working on a team that started out being all experienced people. Well, typical corporate bs, the company got sold to a bigger one. Slowly, all the experienced people got replaced by less and less experienced ones because, well, they're cheaper. Turnover was crazy high. New stupid rules. Forced socializing. All of a sudden, my performance is not up to standards. Surprise….well finally it happened, I'm gone. They had some empty suit tell me. Greatest day ever. They told me about severance, pretty decent.…


I’m trying to advocate for salary transparency in my City

After graduating college I had been on the job search in my city for some months and regularly found that a job will not disclose how much it pays. It’s one of the most frustrating things ever especially when with rising rent and inflation across the board. You’re telling me I have to go through X amount of interviews before you tell me how much I can potentially be paid?? I was fortunate enough to find a job in the non profit sector that abides by the recently passed New York Salary Transparency mandate although I don’t think it’s fully required yet. When I realized how simple of a change it is that results in such a major impact I started asking myself why can’t my City (Dallas,Texas) do the same. I’ve since started meeting with my local city council members and other public figures to raise the issue and…


Work for us answering the phone all day, it “changes lives”


I think one of the biggest ways people are controlled is by thinking they need to prove themselves.

What is it one feels like they should do or achieve in our society? Why do you think you feel that way?


Last week of the project and they finally tell us how paid sick days work; only serves as encouragement to lie and use it while you can


I scheduled time off over a month ago, it was refused today.