
Hybrid model

Its a rant sorry So before pandemic, we had to commute to office mostly, waste time traveling or pay heavy rent to stay near office. But at least coworker could seprate office time and free time. Once you leave office you were done for the day Pandemic happens and we do full wfh. You can stay in remote location at your native no traffic hassle and not much rent. But coworker forgot about office time and personal time. Pings at random times office meeting at random time Now as pandemic is coming to end, they came up with “hybrid” model. You go to office twice or thrice a week. So now you have to rent a house at least metro city of your office so you pay rent, renters increased rent tk recover 2 year losses, traffic will be hell as on those days, and as coworker still follows the…


As people in the US have been divided up by test scores, grades and educational attainment, a sense of elitism continues to further separate communities.

The prevailing attitude among many of the highly educated is snobbish entitlement. Privileged communities will become more and more alienated from the angry lower classes.


How to Get Remote Work Authorization

So my work went remote for 'rona, but they recently ended that and have opted for a new (stupid) blended system where it's one week in office and one week remote – alternating. They've said they will accommodate full remote requests for things such as medical purposes. What are some common reasons one might have to acquire such accommodation? I'm tired of burning gas and lugging a computer up and down several flights of stairs for company “office culture”.


when you expect us to do everything for pennies of course it will


My work is to cheap to bring in an actual forklift mechanic.

So they have a co-worker of mine trying to “fix” the forklift. Keep in mind. Hes not licensed, certified or trained to do us…. like wtf. What should I do?


post-resignation purgatory

I kind of need some validation with this one, but also curious to hear your anecdotes as well. I'm feeling disappointed. I work at a private school, my boss is the owner. He seemed like a decent guy. He was generally nice and accommodating. I have been a star teacher–hardworking and (generally) well-liked by both students and co-workers. I feel passionate about teaching, and put effort into my job because it felt like a decent environment. I am going through some life changes and want to move back closer to family and friends. So, instead of finishing my contract, I told him I wanted to leave when the school year ends. This is because my contract ends in the middle of the NEXT school year (I replaced someone that quit mid-year). I had already completed one (contract) year, so this means I would be leaving at 6 months into my…


I want to shorten my hours

I feel bad because I haven’t been working at my new job for long and I already feel like shortening my hours. I been working as a dishwasher at my new job for 2 months. There’s a lot of benefits with the job and this is a job I work in between school and I only work 4-5 days a week (which doesn’t sound bad) but each day I work late shifts up until 3 in the morning sometimes. Some shifts are close to 12 hours but on average 7-8 but these shifts are becoming overwhelming and I feel like I never have time to do anything because every time I go into work its the entire rest of the day for me. And on the days I have off, I either have class and when I don’t have class I’m sleeping because I’m tired from work. The job made…


Quiet quitting is just people not engaging in exploitive work environments, change my mind

For starters, we can all agree on one thing. Trying to work a regular job and survive is near impossible without scoring a hedge fund VP role because your dad plays golf with the Goldman Sachs group. Most of us worked through school on loans, grants, and scholarships to get degrees for barely minimum-wage jobs. Not to mention that in today's world you have to work at least 2 jobs to be remotely comfortable. IE pay your rent, utility, and food while having more than just barely enough to get you to the next paycheck. To make matters worse in the workspace you are constantly met with upper management that does not listen to its staff. Broken work processes are met with “this is how it's always been done”. If you are a hard worker all you end up doing is taking on more and more tasks without any of…


ONE WEEK AWAY! National protest for protections for abuse at work


Apple to Withhold Its Latest Employee Perks From Unionized Store