
Manager trying to get me fired

Basically my manager is trying to get me fired. She has never respected me and I feel like there is an underlying feeling of hatred and jealousy under all of this. I started to take FMLA and ever since then I feel like she has been amping things up trying to get me fired. I am a librarian and I have my masters. Tell me why she thinks it’s ok to have me double record my lunches and breaks on a sheet of paper I have to hand to her or the other librarian (who is considered to be on my level at the job)? She only did it to belittle me because it’s the same form we give to students (the lowest paid position) to clock out for their breaks. I tried to tell her no and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I left early sick…


A Soft Let Go

Hey everybody! I'm just here to rant, because I think this is actually good for my life overall, but it was a reminder. NEVER GIVE NOTICE OF QUITTING. I was with a company for over a year and had decided it was time to move on. I made my plans in advance (thankfully) and turned in my resignation with 6 weeks notice and plans to prep the time for the next person, close my accounts etc etc. I was immediately fired. They were nice about it, but getting kicked to curb is getting kicked to the curb – I wasn't even invited to clean out my desk. Not that I was foolish enough to keep anything I liked at work. So today's reminder friends. Your boss doesn't give a shit about you, or honestly even productivity. They give a shit about themselves and how they look to their bosses.


Starbucks Ex-Manager Says He Was Told to Punish Pro-Union Employees


Just learned a new word: WORKATION.

Travel agencies offer destination packages to promote having a vacation while still being able to work. I'm astonished about what the industry is coming up with to keep our lives busy, pretending it's a goal worth pursuing.




It is so meee!!!!!!


My boss wouldn’t let me go turn off my headlights, even though you can see they’re on from the window.


I quit my software engineering job last month.

I graduated university with a computer science degree and high GPA and immediately get a job in a big corporation. As young adults who just graduated I feel so motivated to work, but reality hits differently. I live in a country where software engineering job pays around 300$ per month or around 3,600$ yearly. Here is my story so far: In my first day of work, no one really welcomed me there and the supervisor who in charge of me didn't show up. The building management and parking area cost around 3$ per day(they didn't give parking access card for new member). So basically I need to pay around 60$ per month for Office Parking, and they refused to give me card after I spoke directly to the building management staff. Second day at work I started doing this “HR Quizes” that is mandatory. Third day I keep asking for…


The US calculates it poverty deliberately to hide how bad poverty actually is. This contributes to not seeing the need to raise the minimum wage.

In a rich country like the US, we shouldn't even have poverty but, if there is poverty, it's important to accurately calculate the poverty line. The current poverty formula was developed in the 1960s using a report that came out in the 50s that stated a family spent 1/3 their income on food. This report assumed there was a Stay-at-home-mom to be thrifty. So each month the USDA publishes numbers on food costs. It's broken up by single vs family and how many children under a certain age. Then it's divided by budget, thrifty to luxury essentially. Well once a year, to adjust for inflation, the US takes the thrifty budget x 3, and that's the monthly poverty line. Except US households no longer spend 30% of their income on food. The USDA in 2021 put this number at roughly 10%. So the formula is extremely outdated. How does the…


The best thing to ever happen

A couple of weeks ago I was fired from my shi**y restaurant job. I was a manager, and every day I felt the life drain just a bit more from me. Being fired, of course, sucked. I've never been fired before. The week off was horrible. Wondering if I'll ever find a job, as it seemed my old boss was going to ruin every opportunity, even when I checked “don't contact previous employer”. But I found a job. Outside of restaurants, but still kitchen work, just inside of a nursing home. I manage the dietary side. My stress level is at a normal pace. My boss is NICE. My workers do their jobs, and I work with them to ensure the residents are cared for. It's a lot slower paced, so I have time to get to get to know the workers and residents and still get the job done.…