
Reduced time clock

I was clocked in for about 5 hours & I got sent home for a mistake, and employer also reduced my time of being clocked in to 0(basically I was never clocked in) is that legal?


TW: hatecrime (lynching) I recently got fired from a job I had worked for. I was there 4 years. I was wrongfully fired and I guess just want justice to take its course. not just for justice for me but for the employees having to shoot things like this. (referring to the photo)


Work asking me to come in office that is $40/day

I accepted a job in a different state and one of the biggest issues I had about accepting the job is that I don't have a car so commuting would be a pain. Recruiter reassured me that there is a shuttle from my state that will take me into the office. What he failed to mention there is no shuttle service on Fridays and that the shuttle wasn't meant to be used for commuting in the first place. So I told me manager that I can't come in on Fridays but he knows that I met up with someone nearby after work and took the train from a station in an adjacent town so there IS a way for me to come in. The issue is that it is a huge hassle. First of all, round-trip is $42, which includes uber, train and subway and it is also a 4+…


Nepotism at the BBC one hundred years ago. Their first general manager’s application advised “it is probable you knew my family.” He got the job.


do you guys believe that it’s genuinely possible to strike a balance between wanting to challenge the system versus having to play into the system to make ends meet?


“We take work place injuries very seriously and take precautions to insure our workers are in a save environment”


so sad :(


So about that FOX interview..

Just curious about how everyone feels about when that mod from this subreddit appeared on FOX news? Did you agree or disagree with the way she (I think she identifies as a woman?) portrayed the movement? Do you feel like there was irreparable damage done to the reputation of the movement?


worst company in East Central Indiana


employer refusing to pay me uk

So, i staryed a new job and worked 70hrs. I was told that there was no more work for me, but when it came to payday he has refused to pay me. I had no contract other that verbally, but i do have text messages and phone records relating to being picked uo for work. I also have a photo of my time sheet. Is there anything i can do?