
How is having more than 2 ear piercings effecting how well I do my job?

My company recently got a new VP of HR for the whole national company and with him is coming a new dress code. I apologize in advance for the rant. I work in sales at a hotel and our dress code was pretty reasonable compared to what's out there. There's no uniform for my department and it's just an office job but we deal with clients and guests regularly so we just had to wear professional attire, no overly exposing clothing, no “lewd” tattoos (whatever that means) non slip shoes since we frequently have to walk through the back of house (we didnt have to wear them all the time though judt in the back since finding proffessional nom slips can be hard), and no colored hair. I figured I'd manage with these rules even though it's my first job with a dress code and I now have to die…


Surviving Capitalism


I don’t quite understand the anti work movement

I understand that most laws revolving around employment are abusive and questionable and there are a lot of evil companies out there, but who would provide for the world if it wasn’t for workers? Don’t get me wrong, I hate the concept of working 40 hours a week to just barely get by, but if overall people simply worked less, we would have a lot less services available to us. Some of the posts I see are people just wanting to simply exist on their own terms, and if everyone did that, how would those people receive the products and services they live off of? We are at a point in society that if people didn’t work, we would be stuck in primitive times. The reason we’re posting on Reddit right this second and discussing this is because people work, and people have worked to build up to this point.…


How to ask for contract negotiation?

I'm a contractor at my current job, my contract is up on Nov 15th. Im currently making 27.5/hr, the newest contractors are making 36/hr. Im pissed but getting absolutely nothing on the job search. How do I push my contracting company to pay me even remotely what the market rate is? This is a white collar biotech role. My job title doesnt match my actual title or workload either. Thanks in advance.


Do night shifts seem unnatural to any one else? That when you’re working those kind of hours that you’re cut off from a different life because everything is closed.


New Manager tried to guilt me about taking time off with plenty of notice. Found out quickly that I don’t stand for any of that nonsense. Context: I am a casual restaurant supervisor.


CVS baloney on Indeed

I am in the process of looking for different employment after a long stint as an educator. I applied to anything that looked like it could hold my interest and I could press charges if I got punched or bit. Ya know bare minimum stuff… anyway I applied to be a pharmacist, paid training and I have a med tech background to boot. Well it all seemed to be going well, until they sent me the following demands: Fill out yet another application on a different link. Resend your resume. Don’t talk to any other pharmacies if they reach out. (!?!?!!) Answer the questions consistently(?!?) Text me at this private number when you do the above. And ignore the fact that this job is a whole county away from where the job posting is listed. Thanks but no thanks. I already did a questionnaire, you already have my resume, and…


Need advice, company expects lone technicians to move and install large heavy parts by themselves due to understaffing.

Hello, I work as a mobile repair technician for for some large equipment, obviously a big portion of it is changing parts. Most of the parts are reasonably sized so it’s not a big deal for a single technician to change the parts by themselves, I’d say 80%-90% of the parts are capable of being changed easily by one tech. The issue I’ve run into a few times is when I need to change a larger part. Some of the large parts come in large crates that easily weigh over 100lbs. Technicians are expected to drive to the warehouse and load the crate into a truck by themselves and then deliver it to the site and replace the part by themselves. In the machines these parts are suspended several inches above the ground on rails. No support equipment such as weight belts or pallet jacks are provided or even mentioned…


[Rant] The fucking irony

I work for an MNC that started off in the USA, and recently all of us were told to undergo a 2022 updated Code of Conduct course. One of the code of conduct was regarding political activity. Rightfully so, the policy says we can have whatever political affiliation and activity we want as long as it is not on company time or resources or affiliation. But I think about the boss who had spent millions on lobbyist and his wife. I just laughed.


Is it possible to not have a 9-5?

Hello, a teenager here that has a generally good idea of how the world works(compared to people my age) And I wanted to ask a subreddit of what I should do in order to active a state in adulthood where I don’t have to work for an employer whist maintaining my core values and beliefs. I just wanted to ask if becoming fully financially independent without Great financial assistance from family is possible? Is it possible to break free from the 9-5 cycle before I even become an adult? I almost live in fear that I will get trapped in a cycle where I will be a slave to someone who wanted to exploit me and I never want to be in the position. Would something like day-trading be too capitalistic and most likely lead to me being the exploiter? Or will I benifit from a collage degree and mainly…