
Influencer/Manager of Star City Games calls his employee out publicly and the employee apologizes over video on twitter


Bullied at work so they moved me

Just looking for some support cause this is making me want to do my head in… I was working in a skilled labor position where I was using my knowledge and experience to grow plants. My coworkers were bullying me. I was one of two women and they would harass me everyday. I was made to feel less than and isolated and like I wasn’t good enough to do my job. I finally had enough after a big incident where I got hurt and instead of helping some guys played “It’s A Hard Not Life” from the musical Annie. So I wrote a 5 page document talking about all the bullying and harassment I had been experiencing and turned it into HR. I really didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t feel safe going to work and was having panic attacks when I would wake up. I knew HR…


Bosses who do nothing but work are the worst.

Any boss who does not have balance in their life is honestly, the worst type of boss. Not only do they set a ridiculous standard, they use work as there “drama center” and use people as pawns as they see fit since they don’t see how real world decisions can affect families. They don’t really care about people but about advancing their careers and use people by any means necessary. They will play on peoples emotions, wants and happy p destroy something good by looking for something better.


You aren’t paid by how hard you work

Your paid by how hard you are to replace ​ I hate politics but I can't find one situation where this ain't true.


Mandatory 7 days a week. No thanks!


“You have to remember to ask or educate people about the things that you expect them to be able to do at work”


Recruiters. THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE!

It’s less than I’d be willing to switch for but this is how you respond recruiters! The recruiter appears to be younger so that likely contributes. The pay is a bit lower end but fair for the position and region.


He shouldn’t have to do this


A North Carolina restaurant has been ordered to pay $157,287 to staff after failing to give them their tips


Why do pharmacist say no yes?