
Wtf am I supposed to do? I 100% feel lost

I'm at a standstill…I am a RN. I have had to take “mental health breaks” over the last 3 years several times. I see a professional, I'm on meds, but I feel stuck. …during the day I should be actively job searching but when I start, I get so overwhelmed with anxiety & a deep wave of hopelessness. I have such a love hate with nursing. I'm naturally very empathetic, it's exhausting. I just left inpatient psych position bc I was getting physically hurt by patients & no one in leadership did anything. When I asked to switch units, I was punished by my supervisor I had coworkers gift me PTO for my time off as they knew I needed it When I got my next paycheck, it was negative all the gifted PTO was taken back. I went to HR to no avail. I just quit. No notice. I…


Jobs need to advertise remote status upfront. Why should we have to go through multiple rounds of recruitment only to find they want us in the office all the time.

I've recently had to withdraw from more than one recruitment process because only after I've been invited to interviews did the employer reveal that WFH wasn't a possibly at all. Seriously, it's like when the salary is vaguely advertised as “competitive”. Please just give us the relevant information upfront in the job ad to allow us to make the right decisions and stop wasting time. I hate how it's considered poor etiquette to ask questions about remote/hybrid working, as if we should be grateful that a company is considering us for a role.


Handed in my two weeks and was called unprofessional

Okay, so I had a meeting with my manager this week regarding the transition after I’m gone and we discussed a few things, one of them was “did you tell anyone that you’re leaving?” I said I told my colleagues that I work closely with so they know what’s coming their way, I wanted to give them as much notice as possible so if they have questions I can help during the 2 weeks. She said I was extremely unprofessional for doing that and then asked why I wanted to leave. I basically had enough of her so I said I wasn’t too fond of the management style (which is micromanaging) she started gaslighting me and said I’m wrong and she never does that (keep in mind that my co workers also agree that she’s a micromanager but I don’t want to get into too much detail with this). She…


I’m about to emotionally explode at work during a business trip. I don’t know what to do or who to talk to.

I’m working somewhere that is just destroying my mental health. I honestly feel like they’re abusing me and I can’t take it anymore. I started my business trip on Monday and I’ve spent the last two nights just crying in my hotel room. Now I’m on day 3 in a row of nearly zero sleep and I’m on the verge of an anxiety attack. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried to remedy this by switching to another team, but I missed that opportunity by just a few days and I wasn’t listened to when I asked about changing teams multiple times throughout the year. There are now hiring freezes everywhere, so I can’t move internally or externally. I just feel completely screwed, but I also feel like if I stick around, it’ll just get worse. I’m literally hiding in one of our unused conference rooms typing this up. I’ve…


you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!!!!


Maximum Capacity


Please remember to black out user names on your posts to avoid them being removed for sharing personal information.

Seeing a lot of people forgetting to black out names in twitter and linkedin screen shots. If you do not black it out we are required to take the post down by Reddit's anti-doxxing rules. So if you want your post to stay up (and many of them should have stayed up otherwise) Please black out the names before you post. This way mods can focus on more important things, than taking down a post because someone forgot a black bar.


Have to make a video for Boss Day… What would you say?

Boss Day is this coming up Monday and my work wants me to make a short video wishing happy Boss Day to my director that is going to be part of a compilation. Now I actually like my director and this is the best work environment I've been in my whole career, so I don't mind doing this. However I HATE filming myself and my home office is currently a mess so I just shot a few seconds of me being in the woods lol If y'all had to make a video to your boss for Boss Day, what good/bad things would you say and where would you film it?


Our HR manager is changing to a different department, so now I’m the only woman in our department

At my first job (consultancy) there was an almost obsessive focus on 50/50 hiring. I think we reached a 60/40 man/woman ratio at some point. We had a couple of technical women but not many. Nevertheless, I (as a trans woman) did feel like I was able to make some female friends or at least have some friendly colleagues. Even had a crush on a girl but she was straight. Anyway, in one of my last projects at the company, I was sent to a company where the average age was probably around 50 and I realized that out of approximately 100 people on the floor I only saw 1 woman. I thought “wow, ok, this is the opposite of hiring for diversity goals”. These days, I work at a different company. A few days ago my current HR manager told me she went ballistic at the recruiters because they…


[California] Can my job wait over 2 months to pay me for my pooled tips?

Hi! I tried seeking advice from r/legaladvice but haven’t received any info so hopefully it’s okay to post it here too. Long time lurker but rarely make any posts. Essentially, my job started debit card tips in the middle of August and we were told they were to be paid out monthly. It is now near the end of October and my job has not taken any action in order to pay us out our tips. I’ve asked my manager many times about where they were but I’ve been blown off with answers like “It’ll come on the next paycheck” or “We’re working on it.” However it’s been months and we haven’t seen a single cent. I no longer wish to work for a company that cannot pay me out the money that I’ve already earned. Is there anything I can do to receive my tips in a more timely…